Game Day #3

Which character would you like to play a game of pool against?

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10 thoughts on “Game Day #3

  1. Jan

    I’d play against Deeks, so I could check out his ass when he bends over the pool table. 🙂

    Second choice would be Nell, because she’s a nice person to spend a couple hours with.

    Definitely not against Kensi – she’s too competitive and she probably cheats.

  2. TheKay79

    Since I am really bad at playing pool, I’d rather not play but watch Kensi winning against all the guys. We could share the celebratory beer afterwards…but if I had to play maybe Callen could show me how, which obviously would include body contact

  3. Linda

    I don’t know how to play pool at all. Therefore, I would need lessons. I think that I would like Callen to teach me. That would require close proximity. Nice idea! I would bet that Kensi is the best player though as she is usually very competitive.

  4. densidream

    Kensi probably to spend some girl time and tell her to open up about Deeks 😉
    I guess the others are just way too good, especially Nell and Hetty (one would probably need a somewhat lower table) although I bet playing with Nell is really nice, too.

  5. BH72

    I would love to team up with Kensi to play against Callen and Deeks. Kensi would make it FUN, CalLen would provide GREAT SCENERY and Deeks would be ENTERTAINING.

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