Next… on NCISLA! Rage (6×20) Preview by Gayle (@DensiLand)

Next graphicRage (6×20) Preview

by Gayle (@DensiLand)

Written & Directed by: Frank Military

Official CBS Press Release – “Rage” – Callen and Sam resume their undercover identities as a prisoner and guard to infiltrate a white supremacist group believed to be in possession of stolen nuclear material, while Kensi transforms herself into a tattooed biker to play the part of Callen’s girlfriend. Also, Callen’s first meeting with Hetty is revealed, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, April 13 (9:59-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Spring has sprung and with it has brought rainbows, daisies, and blue skies. However, in the near single-season environment of southern California the monotonous climate may have prompted an uncharacteristic burst of rage. Rage? As everything is freshly in bloom?

This might very well be a case of “Rage Against the Machine”. (No, not the Los Angeles-based, now defunct, rock band.) This “rage” could be applied in its traditional terminology of “the machine” referring to a rebellion/revolt against society or the government. Yet, given the official press release, it seems we’re all in for a ride in the “time machine” as the inception of Callen & Hetty’s connection is revealed.

The promo shows a more follicle-blessed Callen. Is this from an extended cover or perhaps a memories of an earlier time. It can easily be considered this presents the “flashback” Executive Producer John Peter Kousakis tweeted about in February.

Focusing on the other member of this pair, did Hetty initiate their connection (as would now be expected) or did “fate” intervene? Perhaps most intriguing is the wonderment surrounding a “past” Hetty. Recall how the “early” NCISLA Hetty seemed far more jovial and concerned with appearances (and the near embodiment of the endearing, yet demanding, Edna Mode of Pixar’s “The Incredibles”)? How has she evolved? The possibilities are fascinatingly endless!

Likewise, what might the orphaned, frequently foster-system failed Callen have characterized in his younger years? Could his tattered upbringing have evoked overwhelming rage that Hetty aided him in controlling? How long have Callen and Hetty (mutually) known each other? Perhaps most important, under what circumstance did they meet and what provided the foundation for their longevity?

At this late point in the season with the well-known “dark” aspects commonly scripted by Frank Military, who also has the power to craft his vision from the Director’s chair, the unknown is surely on the horizon. His choice of title could simply stem from the case at hand, rage from a frustrated militant group. Yet, dedicated fans worldwide must share in the anticipated excitement of gaining yet another key element to Callen’s fragmented history.

Returning to the topic of appearances is the unusual choices for both Callen and Kensi. This harkens all the way back to a faux-drunken Kensi physically hanging onto Callen in “Hunted” (1×22). The press release blatantly mentions a tattoo for Kensi. Is this part of the cover or a true revelation?

One facet that’s simple to envision is the mockery throughout the team regarding Callen and Kensi’s romantic roles for the operation. Will everyone keep to their professional demeanors or will personal ridicule erupt in the Mission? Will either part of Densi react from their heart versus their head? Will this prompt yet another conversation between the duo? Previously the issue was keeping their personal ‘ship out of their work environment, but this situation demonstrates the opposite. Might Sam make either (or both) of his brotherly teammates targets of entertaining taunts? Could the repeated partner swapping serve as a secondary benefit in maintaining Deeks’ and Kensi’s physical distance related to his presumed continuing Internal Affairs investigation?

With these complicated and intermingled components of time and emotion, it’s sure to provoke some form of outRAGE Next… on NCISLA!

One thought on “Next… on NCISLA! Rage (6×20) Preview by Gayle (@DensiLand)

  1. Linda W

    Thanks for a very interesting and thought provoking preview. As usual there are many questions that we need answers to. There is the Hetty/Callen relationship and the main plot with the gang, and of course there is the “kiss” which everyone is talking about. I hope we all will feel satisfied at the end.

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