POLL: How did you like NCIS Los Angeles ‘Unspoken’ ??

How did you like NCIS Los Angeles 'Unspoken' ??

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15 thoughts on “POLL: How did you like NCIS Los Angeles ‘Unspoken’ ??

  1. Lisa

    Liked it but it was missing something . not sure what but callen and Sam are so good together. Densi interaction seemed hollow. No flirting anymore.

    1. DixieBelle

      I agree Lisa. It was a really good episode. But to be honest Kensi and Deeks got on my nerves a little. Not keeping your personal lives and professional lives separate is a little immature IMO. I usually don’t mind Densi, but it did seem a little hollow. I’m starting to think that this season is more focused around Sam. I thought it was supposed to be more about Deeks. Maybe I’m wrong.

  2. Norm

    Went into this episode thinking I wouldn’t like it… surprise to me! I did like it a lot… miles above Rio and the model! Densi has gone past flirting in their relationship, but they still got embarrassed that Callen and Sam caught them necking. The “How do you dry underwear?” exchange was really cute – and something a newly domesticated couple might tease each other about. (I’m with Deeks, use the bathroom for a drying room, not the living room). I think Deeks’ comment about things changing in deep cover was both accurate and a portent of the IA episodes as was the Densi conversation in the bombed out building about his killing someone to protect her. No banter, just a flat I would kill for you. And the look on her face makes me think she is getting a clue about the roots of the IA.

    For once the plot was substantial, not just a platform for banter. I was not surprised that Sam had a former partner nor that Callen would be skeptical about said partner. All of them have had former partners, either in NCIS, or CIA, or DEA, or ATF or in LAPD. The actor who played Ruiz did a great job but the son was kinda wooden. I really didn’t know until the last moment whether Ruiz was dirty or not – well played, team!! I loved the way the plot morphed from a weapons deal to a Filipino terrorist and back again. I also really loved that the whole team was involved… the grin on Nell’s face when she caught Densi trying to access Ruiz’ personnel file was infectious, and once again Granger knows a lot more than he is telling anyone.

    1. Jan

      Actually I don’t think he said he would kill for her (we already know he would torture someone for her). He said he would cover for her if she killed someone – for the right reasons. Makes me wonder if she would do the same for him if that situation ever occurred.

      1. Norm

        You are correct, Jan. When I rewatched it, I realized that he did say he would cover for her if it were for the right reasons, not that he would kill for her. Now we wait to see if that was a hint, if he did do that in the past and now has to deal with it.

        1. emceejay

          In “The Debt” episode, Lt. Bates said that Deeks once said that he would never partner with a female agent again. Because of that, Bates said he was surprised that he was partnered with Kensi….A foreshadowing of the IA investigation?

  3. Sharon

    The episode was ok. I am never that interested in Sam centric episodes.
    So for me….way too much Sam, not enough everyone, anyone else.

    1. Norm

      Once they posited Sam’s past partner, it had to be Sam centered. I liked the Densi scenes – IMO they don’t all have to be lovey-dovey to convey their relationship. Liked Callen not buying Ruiz, Hetty doubting, Granger hiding something from his past again. Did not like Sam’s accent.

    2. Stinka

      I’m the same way…I don’t care for Sam episodes too much. What’s the male version of a Mary Sue?
      Sam Hanna is way too perfect, and self righteous.

  4. Mogorva

    It was above my expectations, I enjoyed it, There was humor, there was a story, and there wasn’t any whining and artificial drama. It probably won’t make it to my top10, but nonetheless entertaining. 9/10.

  5. diane

    It was a fine episode. Not my fave, but it was good. I have liked the actor who played Ruiz since Third Watch. I knew it was gonna be lite on Deeks and Kensi, but I am fine with that. Even though they are my favorites, it is cool that everyone has gotten a story focused on them, so far, this season.

  6. Linda

    I have enjoyed that the writers are giving each of the main characters their turn in the spotlight this year. I have enjoyed the variety. It looks like next week will be heavy on Kensi and Deeks to make the Densi fans happy. COD directs next week and those episodes tend to be lighter on Callen. Looks like a Densi undercover op. I think the fanbases just have to be patient. It looks like everyone is getting their turn this year.

  7. BH72

    It was a good episode. I find that if I don’t watch or read about any teasers, I am surprised along the way, and it’s the best way to go. A huge build up leaves too much room for a fall. The banter was light and fun. It’s good to give each of the characters their turn—well done Nell catching Kensi and Deeks out trying to get into Ruiz’s file. Granger knows the team well by now, he knows how curious they are too. It was obvious that they would want to take a peep.

  8. I Feel Possessed

    I really enjoyed this episode. It’s been so long since an episode has focused on Sam and as he’s such a solid and secure character (no angst unlike Callen, Deeks, Kensi), it’s difficult for the writers to know where to take him. They’ve done an excellent job in bringing in a former partner and to bring up the issue of trust. Sam trusts his former partner. Callen doesn’t and you can see doubts in his mind about Sam’s integrity. Kensi/Deeks don’t trust Ruiz either. Granger trusts Sam; Sam doubts Granger’s intents. So by default, the team don’t actually trust each other!

    Sam shut out half the team (usually a Callen action). Callen was literally shut out (see how many shots where he is in the background to the others, at the side of a scene, not facing Sam, a blurred shadow)…

    Not even the bad guys trust each other and Santos is lying to his hired Filipino help.

    Deeks understands why Sam would possibly lie to protect his partner (if his partner committed murder for the right reasons), and comments that people can turn when under long term cover – a foreshadowing of the IA episode?

    A really solid and dramatic episode, well written, no mad loose ends and very tight character development of the guest star – so much more than usual, so we were invested in him and in Sam’s beliefs.

    Hmmm, maybe I should have written on here before I wrote my review elsewhere…

    PS – the less said about Sam’s accent, the better!

  9. Linda W

    I am late again. I am sorry but life gets in the way. Have to say that I enjoyed the episode very much. There was excitement and action and things that go boom. There was good team work, but the episode did concentrate on Sam. We were definitely looking at character development here. Sam is known for his loyalty and trust. I felt that if Sam trusted his former partner, then he was ok. Another thing stood out for me too was the fact, again an example of character, that Callen may not have trusted the guy himself, but because of his loyalty and trust in Sam he was willing to make it work. Callen is very protective of his partner and I think we saw a good example of their bromance here as well as at the end. Their humour is delightful as in ” I love you too Sammy”

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