DIY Sam stirs up the morning convo…
![@bartelsand - "We need a full episode of Callen and Deeks drinking Mojitos. Webseries?" [AGREED !!!]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_02-600x336.jpg)
@bartelsand – “We need a full episode of Callen and Deeks drinking Mojitos. Webseries?” [AGREED !!!]
![Deeks: "What's next smoke signals?" [Argh, do not encourage him, Deeks !!]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_03-600x336.jpg)
Deeks: “What’s next smoke signals?” [Argh, do not encourage him, Deeks !!]

Wow, *I* would get tool envy down here…

A camera. Definitely something for “The Wonder Twins”…

Wow, have we ever seen the team so frustated about not knowing where to start ??

Oorah, for the license plate shot…

YAY, Granger is back… Threatening Hetty’s career ?? Uh oh… On another note: Who is this Griffin guy ??

Note to self: Send Eric Beale a fruit basket for next birthday.

Kudos to the prop department for this awesome map !!

Gotta love how Nell is the go-to girl for Hetty…

Another one of Hetty’s tea cups… anyone recognize the pattern?

Sweet picture made up for the pretty blunt product placement…

Hetty as back-up !! AWESOME !!
![GRANGER: I don't suppose it occured to you to take him down alive? [Hihi !! They never do, Owen...]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_17-600x336.jpg)
GRANGER: I don’t suppose it occur to you to take him down alive? [Hihi !! They never do, Owen…]

Very sweet scene between Eric & Hetty !!

ERIC: You sneaky son of a cipher.

This is definitely worth a bromance hug !!

GRANGER: In this game, someone always takes the blame.

FERN is back !!

Niiice Nell insert !!

Shuttle is there…

Wouldn’t it be “Yes, Ma’am.” according to the newest developments on NCIS ??

GRANGER: You all deserve each other.

HETTY: Anyone for a vodka?
Let us know YOUR thoughts about the episode in the comments…