NCIS Los Angeles “Deep Trouble” Picture Recap By @sindee303 & POLL

We’re merging the poll and the picture recap this week so we’ll only have one post with thoughts/comments about the finale…

Now that's a way to end a party... EWW !!

Now that’s a way to end a party… EWW !!

YESSS to Sam's face... to the drink AND Deeks' overuse of nicknames...

YESSS to Sam’s face… to the drink AND Deeks’ overuse of nicknames…

I'm with Sam.. I mean, who doesn't have a problem with that D-Word ??

I’m with Sam… I mean, who doesn’t have a problem with that D-Word ??

"It's like a high school locker room down here."

It’s like a high school locker room down here.

And there I thought we were through with the whole punch thing...

And there I thought we were through with the whole punch thing…

"Who takes a bus to a suicide?" True, G.

Who takes a bus to a suicide?
True, G.

Hetty, the little Ninja !! :)

Hetty, the little Ninja !! 🙂

'Administrative leave pending a full investigation.' They couldn't let her file anpother request for leave... so this is a nice follow through of the 'Hetty's status is pending over the summer.' theme...

‘Administrative leave pending a full investigation.’
They couldn’t let her file another request for leave… so this is a nice follow through of the ‘Hetty’s status is pending over the summer.’ theme…

"Where's your sense of adventure?" "Left in my 'sense of self-preservation' pants." "They still fit you?" "Sure do." *SMILE*

“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Left in my ‘sense of self-preservation’ pants.”
“They still fit you?”
“Sure do.”

"I hate it when mum and dad fight."

I hate it when mum and dad fight.

"No, everything is not OK."

No, everything is not OK.

Nice bromance over the 'gang topic'...

Nice bromance over the ‘gang topic’…

Gotta love a good chase... add some bromance and it's PURRFECT !! :)

Gotta love a good chase… add some bromance and it’s PURRFECT !! 🙂

"She shut me down again." "Wish she'd teach me how to do that." *snort*

“She shut me down again.”
“Wish she’d teach me how to do that.”

Lipstick Gun. Cool !!

Lipstick Gun. Cool !!

"Is everything OK?" *gulp*

Is everything OK?

"You OK?" "Yeah, I think so."

You OK?
Yeah, I think so.

"You told 'em to throw down their weapons." *snort*

You told ’em to throw down their weapons.

Really ?? THREE more punches ?? At least Deeks mentions her 'abusive nature' this time...

Really ?? THREE more punches ?? At least Deeks mentions her ‘abusive nature’ this time…



OK, OK, I get it... they used the punches to build up the whole similarity thing between Thalia and Kensi. But still... I don't have to like it, right ??

OK, OK, I get it… they used the punches to build up the whole similarity thing between Thalia and Kensi. But still… I don’t have to like it, right ??

That convo between the two after the punch was sweet though. :)

That convo between the two after the punch was sweet though. 🙂
“That was not a NO.” Huh-uh !!

Poor Deeks !! NOT !!

Poor Deeks !! NOT !!

A submarine ??!!

A submarine ??!!

"She's been called back to Washington. Don'T ask me why I wouldn't tell you if I knew." WOAH !!

“She’s been called back to Washington. Don’t ask me why I wouldn’t tell you if I knew.”

So what? Why is he acting like an a** when it obviously gets to him? He needs to trust the team.

So what? Why is he acting like an a** when it obviously gets to him? He needs to trust the team!!

"This is going on my Christmas Card."

This is going on my Christmas Card.

Picked up by a limo? Only Hetty. ;)

Picked up by a limo? Only Hetty. 😉

Is he aiming at his... ?? Oh, sorry, I know this is SERIOUS !! :)

Is he aiming at his… ??
Oh, sorry, I know this is SERIOUS !! 🙂

Shooting in a solid metal cage doesn't seem very smart to me. RI-CO-CHET !!

Shooting in a solid metal cage doesn’t seem very smart to me. RI-CO-CHET !!

"This whole thing is a giant torpedo."

This whole thing is a giant torpedo.

"You cannot escape." "Neither can you." Uh-oh !!

“You cannot escape.”
“Neither can you.”
Uh-oh !!

Uh-oh !! UH-OH !!

Uh-oh !! UH-OH !!

...of course... ;)

…of course… 😉

Well, this was it NCIS Los Angeles Season Five… curious to hear what you say about the finale… comment away !! 🙂

I’d like to use the opportunity to say THANK YOU for embracing my recaps as much as you did this season. It’s always a great pleasure to get feedback from other fans and hear different thoughts about the show !! Please stay with us over the summer for more discussions about the past NCISLA Seasons, new features and the overall build up of excitement for Season Six. 🙂

How did you like the NCISLA S5 Season Finale "Deep Trouble" ??

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We’re opening the comment section on this post so you can share your thoughts about the episode RIGHT AWAY if you like… 🙂

As always we’re encouraging everyone to share his/her opinion but ask you all to be polite and respect other’s views as well. Thanks !!

For thoughts and comments about NCISLA S6 we’d like to refer you to our “Season Six Wishlist“. 🙂

FYI: Comments on here or on other posts are filtered by a pretty rigid robot and might be on hold until a human being checked them out. 😉

45 thoughts on “NCIS Los Angeles “Deep Trouble” Picture Recap By @sindee303 & POLL

  1. Cameron

    Definitely wasn’t as start-to-finish thrilling as last season’s but it definitely left us wondering again. That took a twisted turn when they found fertilizer instead of cocaine in the sub

  2. Buffy

    I love cliff hangers!
    I could have done with a bit less Deeks hitting, but oh well. I really like Talia.

    Hetty should not be blaming others for her actions. The CIA was trying to take out Jack, but how does that equate to her sending Kensi, and then the rest of the team to rescue her?
    the interactions Between NCIS LA Partners was really smooth. Pretty concernrd about hwi
    More later

  3. diane

    There have been better NCISLA season finales. Last seasons was a nail biter, this one was meh.

    1. LasiaMsinred

      It’s kinda funny. I read the expression “Meh” so often on my TL today I was afraid to watch the finale.
      Unfortunately,you’re right.

  4. blue dogs rock!!!!!

    how are callen & sam going to get out of this predicament??
    deeks and kensi seem to have taken a few steps backwards??
    it has been an intense year for densi?
    this episode was great i enjoyed watching it but just did not seem to have grunt of past finales?
    where you on the edge of your seat with the anticipation on what is going to happen next.
    then their is hetty what is going to happen to her?
    bring on season 6

  5. Fenix

    I HATE cliffhangers!
    So I will watch this episode in September together with 6×01.
    No one in this planet, can’t explain to me, and give to me excuse, why they make cliffhangers.
    And of course, no one can push me to watch half episode, and made me wait for second part, another 4 months.
    I am not nut, or self tormentor. 😉

  6. Wessi

    I think i liked that one 😉 It was intense and exciting.
    But I’m still a little confused how they get out of the afghanistan storyline and how Kensi got back to work. No flashbacks till now (which were promised) – no discussion between Kensi and Deeks about what happened over there and in the end Kensi is out in the field again without any aftermath of her captivity. I was hoping that the writers would go into it in the last episodes.

    What I also missed this episode is the Kensi-Deeks-Box-opening, which was also promised for the season finale.

    1. densidream

      You’re right, I’m also confused why there are no flashbacks or consequences. They promised!

      1. skippy2105

        Who promised this? Maybe they teased it but did they really promised it?
        The teasers are pretty bad and I suggest don’t put to much into them. It helps avoiding disappointments.

    2. Jeannie

      **What I also missed this episode is the Kensi-Deeks-Box-opening, which was also promised for the season finale.**

      Thank you! I was beginning to think I dreamed it–I was still looking forward to that right up until the last 10 minutes when you realize that it’s not going to happen. I’m hoping that maybe they just moved it to Part 2, but not holding my breath for 4 months!

      1. Jess

        I’m pretty sure we had that “moment” … when Deeks gave Kensi back her knife at the end of “Three Hearts” I think the episode was called 🙂

  7. sarah

    Hi everyone,
    I stay on my comment of last week, the episode was an “OK” nothing more. I still think that they will all get their groove back…I will wait for season 6 to return in the fall with what I really hope will be a “reborn” of NCISLA.

    1. LasiaMsinred

      I’m right there with you. Hoping for the show to find its groove back.
      “OK” puts it perfectly. Unfortunately,when it comes to season finales we’re use to “breath-taking”.
      It wasn’t such a bad episode. I liked the banter between Callen and Sam. Granger and Hetty… ***Sindee is right.Why doesn’t he show them that he cares!!?!Put your guard down,Owen!**
      I disliked the punching and the whole Kensi,Deeks and Thalia thing…but still it’d love Thalia to come back…just with a different focus.

      1. sarah


        I re watched the episode and no there is nothing “sparkly” about it. Themes were use and over used.
        Talia, is Monica come back.
        Terrorism, is almost in every episode…
        No nothing
        Worst the Kensi-I-got-to-powder-my-nose is so out of character for her, I do not know what to think of the show anymore.
        Really, really hope Season 6 will have a good beginning.


  8. Jo Ann

    This episode did not feel like a season finale to me. It was no more nail-biting or intense than the episode last week. I think they saved too many of the big moments for the Season 6 opener.

    Perhaps it would have been more intense for me if they had started the search and rescue effort for Callen and Sam or at least given us an idea of the terrorists’ target.

    1. LasiaMsinred

      I know what you mean….there was something missing…I felt like that too many times this season.
      It might sound a bit insane but I usually feel different after a season finale. I’m excited,impatiently waiting for the next episode and I literally feel like there’s a little hole in my schedule….but I feel none of that today.

  9. Jan

    Thank you sindee for mentioning the punches. Enough already!!!

    It would have been hard to match last year’s cliffhanger, and they apparently didn’t even try. Yes, there were some good action scenes, but that’s not what I watch the show for. I liked the Sam/Callen interaction, loved the preview clip with Talia, but once they got into the cat fight stuff it was a big turn off. And I think they expect me to care about what happens to Hetty, but after the White Ghost mess I just don’t find her a sympathetic character at all anymore.

  10. Spokoze

    Yeah Sindee, thought there were through with the whole punch thing??? Or at least by now Deeks had learned to anticipate and catch a fist….or something…

    Without getting into all the sappy possible Densi ramifications waiting for fall….Can I just say that I loved Talia’s reaction to meeting/seeing Kensi.
    Couldn’t help think the character was thinking to herself…”Wow. This Kensi looks a lot like me. How cool is that?….” Also liked that she protected her ‘partner’ making it clear to Kensi that she knew Deeks was her’s…..and that she understood some of the depth of their relationship….and also clear that if circumstances were to maybe change….NCIS-LA is wonderful all the way around. Don’t need a cliffhanger to make sure I come back in the fall….Still, for me it’s always Kensi and Deeks…

    Hoping LH is back for Season 6, but couldn’t shake it in my mind all year that she was hanging it up….

    Don’t need to see Callen and Granger go toe to toe anymore…that’s gotten so, so very old. Don’t care what motivates Granger, or if some weeks he is battling hemmeryods; At his age and experience level he should be deeper and more of a wise old sage, then to be drawing lines in the sand every third week.
    See ya in September!

  11. justdreaming-83

    Love the stories you tell with the picture recaps. (And you always seem to make me giggle at the most serious moments.)

    This finale had so many of the ingredients I enjoy: there were some really funny lines, some bromance, some flirty moments (without Densi overload), and plenty of action (including a BOOM!)

    I agree that this season did not end with the intensity of last season (don’t think I could have lived through another summer with that image/sound of torture in my head.)But this was definitely a cliffhanger. The idea that Hetty may be facing professional doom, and then watching Sam and Callen being launched deep into the ocean… well, I was left feeling extremely lost and empty. Definitely primed to come back for season 6!

  12. tati

    I believe that last season’s finale was clearly the best ever. What I like the most in this episode was the Denslia (Deeks, Kensi & Talia) scenes. Even if they were few, they were the best. And Kensi is much more beautiful than Talia. Not only according to me but to also Deeks. He said it without a second thought. Though I believe he regreted it. He doesn’t want to show her (Kensi) his fellings. What I also liked was the fact that Talia had made Deeks. She has understood that he loves her but after Kensi returned from the bathroom she nad Kensi tried to attract Deeks. Kensi of course will be the winner. I am 100% sure. He knows Kensi for the last 4 years but Talia about 2 months. And he loves Kensi not Talia.

    I think I read somewhere that till the end of the season the box will be opened. And I’m not talking about the big box but the small one that was inside the big one.

    Was it just me or Eric seemed different on this episode. Like he was bored, he didn’t want to work. Unless he was distracted because of the little yellow notes he and Nell exchanged on the ”Exposure”.

    I still haven’t understand whether or not Kensi knows the truth about the White-Ghost-case. She asked Hetty if it had anything to do with Afghanistan like she felt responsible. Otherwise if she didn’t know why she would ask her something like that? If I were Kensi, I wouldn’t forgive Hetty for what she did. Neither if I were Deeks and she had put my partner life in jeopardy.

  13. Lisa-Marie

    I hope no one leaves or dies specially Chris O’Donnell
    And Ll cool Jj
    I hope everyone comes back for Season 6
    Can’t wait

  14. Wessi

    Punches? COME ON… don’t be toooo critical with the cast and the writers!
    No one has taken the face of the other, yet it was too brutal.
    It is part of the Kensi-Deeks banter and this is okey in my opinion. Kensi was unexpectedly confronted with Thalia who immediately start flirting with her “love interest”. I think she was a bit irritated or maybe don’t know how to react in this situation.
    And otherwise – Deeks is very strong in making jokes and fun with and about Kensi. And mostly she isn’t able to respond in the same way – that’s why she hits him sometimes. She is speechless and hits him. And Deeks know it.

    I don’t have any problem with that.

    1. mckenna

      I agree too. Kensi has punched Deeks hard (she only punches hard 😉 )many times in past episodes and no one cared until this season. Its how they react and play, and usually its because of something Deeks said.

      1. Wessi

        … and this punch after Deeks’ “you’re beautiful…” was kind of overreacting. Look at Kensis face. It’s like it says “oh – wtf – what was that – öhhhmmm……äääähhhhhhhhh…….hehe……….’for good luck’ “. She didn’t know what to say.

  15. densidream

    I really loved the scenes with Talia, it was hilarious how she kept provoking Kensi! With lines like “the last time we hooked up” or “last time I was here you had to carry me to the bathroom, remember that”. When Talia called Kensi “Barbie’s Malibu cousin” I could picture Deeks thinking, “well she certainly looks like a model” or something similar 🙂 I think Deeks showed Kensi that he is on her side 100% by saying that she’s beautiful so quickly without thinking. And Kensi punching him for saying that was probably to hide that she really liked what he said 😉 Well, I’m not mad about the whole puncing thing anyway, it’s just what Kensi does (at least if it’s not in the face). I also like how you can see in ECO’s face every time that it hurts but also always an amused smile. I’m guessing she’s always punching him for real, right?
    And then the scene in the boatshed, cat fight! Who knew Kensi had such claws! But that proves that she does love Deeks, otherwise she wouldn’t fight so hard for him. And Deeks loves her because a few seasons ago with two random hot women Deeks would have loved the situation that they’re fighting over him.
    I don’t get the point though why Talia kept flirting when she said herself she knows that Deeks is “madly in love” with Kensi.

    Also an awesome scene: Sam throwing the handgranade back in the house. Pretty sure they didn’t expect to be blown up by their own granade!

    I think it was a solid case (I liked it more than the cases from previous episodes) but for a finale the episode was a bit weak. The other season finales have been been better! Anyway, now the big waiting time until whenever begins, it’s gonna be awful :(((

  16. DeeksFan

    Compared to Descent and the season opener Ascension this finale was bland. It was an ok episode but I won’t think about it twice this summer. There were better episodes during the season. “Spoils of War” was possibly the best episode ever.

    What do you guys think about our show moving to Monday nights?!
    I hate it! Tuesday was my favorite night on TV. Bumping NCISLA in favor of the oh so boring NCIS New Orleans….terrible!

    I will, of course, be right there Monday night this fall.

    1. Carrie

      OH I didn’t know that… hmmm… well honestly with Agents of Shield, Glee, NCIS LA and Supernatural all being on Tuesday nights I actually wouldn’t mind NCIS LA being moved to Mondays.

      Actually what needs to happen is me watching less tv HAHA


    2. mckenna

      I hate it too! and its at 10 now. Mad that its being moved because of boring New Orleans. I loved tuesday.

  17. Michele

    I feel like they have left us hanging, as in the sense there has been no mention / flash backs as to what really happened between kensi and deeks, and they seemed to have moved backwards after Afghanistan, this was supposed to be ‘their’ season, but it doesn’t feel that way.
    Otherwise enjoyed the near cat fight between kensi and talia

  18. Carrie

    The punches had me so frustrated that I could really have cared less about everything else.

    I just felt as though this season strayed away from what they were planning on doing. I totally understand Daniela getting pregnant was beyond anyone’s control and that they did a good job covering for it. But I felt as though we dropped the whole Sidderov/PTSD/Densi in a hot minute to deal with the white ghost.

    And did they ever find those bombs?

    While I appreciate the White Ghost story that was also dropped quickly…

    I don’t know I just wasn’t impressed by the season as a whole. It was better than last season’s “pick on Deeks/demoralize Deeks” by Sam season.

    I don’t know… it was overall just plain old “MEH”

    Carrie aka @snowglory

  19. Buffy

    The bombs were found on a ship. It was a line between Deeks and Kensi in Ascension, a one line passing comment. Sidderov is dead, not sure where you want the story to go with that.
    Don’t mind Monday night as much as the 10 pm.
    I thought Kensi was going to work on her communication, punching someone every time they say anything about another woman, or you, is not good communication, just seems childish. Once o.k. But over and over, he is not a punching bag. I would be happy if they went back to good partners. Over the Densi thing, too much soap opera, not enough crime fighting.

    1. Carrie

      Ahh I must have missed the bomb on the ship comment on the show. I didn’t want them to do anything with Sidderov persay, I just had missed the bombs being found so I was wondering what had happened to that storyline.

      1. Buffy

        It frustrated me because so much was built up around them, then boom, one line and done. (Yeah, I just had to use boom) when all the focus was on Deeks packing stuff up. I really liked that story line, we learned so much.

  20. Jess

    Was kind of expecting another picture to make it into the recap this week, Sindee 😉 Heh heh … about the time I was hiding, as I watched G board the submarine and open the hatch to investigate inside …
    Ok, mind out of the gutter now! 😉
    I actually really liked the final episode of season 5 – it had explosions, bad-guy chasing (and who doesn’t like seeing G run?!), classic banter, and left us with two of our favourite guys in a very precarious position! I just wish I knew how they can get themselves out of this one!!! 🙁 The whole time I was watching that final ten minutes I was thinking to myself, why are you positioning yourselves behind a door that can be locked and bolted so easily??!!! 🙁
    And we seemed to have learned a whole lot more about Sam this season too 🙂 He has an aversion to clowns, confined spaces, and … er, diarrhoea!! Heh heh

    1. Charla

      OOOOOOOOO Jess, I loved watching Callen get in the sub myself. 😉 Other than that I liked the episode, it wasn’t as dramatic as the past two seasons. But honestly, I didn’t really care for the last season finale. I thought it was a little to violent.
      I didn’t care for Kensi, Deeks, and Talia. The punches were immature. And really the way Kensi and Talia acted reminded me of two high school girls fighting over the same guy. I don’t really understand it. If it were Deeks punching Kensi that much it would be totally unacceptable.
      Other than that it kind of reminded me of season 1 and 2 finales. I’m excited to see how Callen and Sam get themselves out of this one.
      Hopefully Hetty will be back, but I have a bad feeling.
      Can’t wait until September! 🙂

  21. JaniceS

    For Season 6, I would like to see Callen get his “edge” back. I always liked the lost, bad boy image of him.

  22. BH72

    I agree, the punches went overboard this episode. I felt this episode wasn’t anything special for a season finale. It was a good episode, with many questions left unanswered: Who do these men work for? What is all that fertiliser for? What’s the target? What was on that secret thumb drive Hetty has asked Nell to put in motion if she doesn’t return?
    I agree with many who said that it’s time for Granger to learn to trust the team. He has shown in previous weeks that he thinks highly of them and even bought drinks the other week. But I feel like I have missed something. Last two episodes ended on a positive note with Hetty and Granger, but instantly we are thrown into a brewing storm over the fallout of the white ghost debacle in Afghanistan. I hope Granger learns to trust the team and together work out a way forward to get Hetty back. They need to find out who in the CIA is stirring the pot on this witch hunt and bring them down. Why were the CIA after the white ghost when he was working for them? There are so many questions left unanswered on that storyline alone, let alone Kensi’s return to the field, with no flashbacks to her trauma while she was captured.
    On a positive note, I loved the funny little love triangle when Talia appeared and met Kensi. It did make me laugh, poor Deeks. But maybe he and Kensi both need this to move forward in their relationship.
    Well done on a great performance by Australian actor Cameron Daddo as the dead woman’s husband. His shock over hearing of his wife’s death was well played.
    Sam and Callen’s car/running chase after James was funny also. Always love the bromance banter between these two. I really hope they manage to find Sam and Callen before the sub is used to blow something up. That was the only part that I felt was a good cliff hanger of the whole episode. Remember Sam doesn’t do well in confined spaces. After being buried alive many years ago (remember Special Delivery, 2×04), anything could go wrong on that aspect alone.
    I look forward to season 6. I am sure the writers and producers will ensure another great season to entertain us with in four months time.

  23. BH72

    Thanks sindee for all of your great recaps. You entertain us with this captions each week.

  24. skippy2105

    Thank you for the picture review. Nicely done!
    So this was it. Season finale.

    Was is great or disappointing? I would say neither. Did I except more or something better? No, not really.

    It totally reflects the season. It was okay but nothing more. But to be fair they don’t have a chance to do something more thrilling because it is a stand-alone episode. No arc could be built during the season because of the other story that was told in season 5. They just don’t have enough time for this one.
    And the cliffhanger is not really a cliffhanger due to the spoilers they gave us during the last weeks of filming. (Season 6 premiere and another episode).

    What I do love in this finale was the great and funny banter between Callen and Sam. They were hilarious. Also the scenes with Talia, Kensi and Deeks. Talia and Kensi were great (though there could be less punches) and Deeks is a caveman. That became pretty clear during these scenes.

    In my opinion they placed to many other topics into this episode (Hetty called to DC, the chick fight and the case itself) so it might be difficult to built up a real thrilling episode.
    I just hope next season will be better with more action and funny banter and no romance as a main topic of an episode. And Callen being Callen again.

  25. Linda

    Thanks again for the great picture recap and for reminding me how funny the comments could be. Well, I liked the finale and I know that a lot of people will not agree with me. I can’t believe season 5 is over. It seems like only yesterday when we were waiting for it to begin. This was my first year of living through it on Twitter and I am absolutely astounded about how much information I got and could share. Thanks everybody. I had a great time.
    The best thing for me this time was the banter. Especially Callen and Sam but not limited to them. It was really funny and very witty. There was suspense but I figured that they would be caught in the submarine. Now I have to wait for 4 months to see what is going to happen. Really going to miss Callen and Sam.
    Eric and Nell were quite involved this time. Eric came up with a lot of information and Nell was involved with Hetty’s predicament.
    Will Hetty return? I hope so. However, she did have to answer for her choices. I hope Granger does support her and is up front with the rest of the team. He does need to trust them.
    I was glad to see Talia back but a jealous Kensi was not my favourite behaviour. They acted like teenagers. It was childish. And enough with the punches. They are adults and if they started acting like it their relationship would not be so difficult. Talk to each other!
    I will miss them all, but I am looking forward to season 6.

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