A Chat With Dave Kalstein In the Bullpen with Phillydi

NCISLA Magazine is very excited to kick off a fund raising campaign for the ASPCA with our very first auction item on EBay.  If you are a Dave Kalstein fan (and I know there are a lot of you out there!), we have a signed copy of his book Prodigy!  This is a must for your collection if you are a fan and enjoy the stories Dave has penned for the show over the last 3+ years. My colleague, sindee and I were excited to meet Dave a few weeks ago at Paramount Studios where he graciously signed a copy of his book for the campaign.

Right after our set visit on the studio lot three weeks ago, we had a chance to sit down with Dave and talk shop about our favorite show.   Dave wanted to know how the fans were reacting to the news of the new spin off. He assured us he wanted to continue working with the NCISLA team, which is where his heart and soul resides. We responded that the fans, for the most part were taking a wait and see attitude but showing some real interest in the new series.

We also shared why so many fans stay invested in the show year after year. We agreed that the enormous popularity of NCIS Los Angeles came down to one reason and that was the individual characters and their backstory. Dave shared with us that Shane Brennan called the show a series of small moments between the characters. I agree. It’s not so much the plot or storyline every week that is so important but it’s what’s happening to Callen, Sam, Kensi, Deeks, Hetty, Eric and Nell that brings us back week after week for more. We want to know if Callen is ever going to find out more about his family or will Sam be able to work alongside his wife again and is there a romantic future in store for Densi? Of course, we love finding out more about Hetty’s exotic background and watching what makes being a geek so cool with Eric and Nell.

I remember watching The Job during season two (written by Dave Kalstein), when I first realized how important these small moments were. Remember at the very end of the episode?  We see Kensi and Deeks sitting down together on the sofa, clinking Coronas and comforting each other after a long, hard day on the job. I remember thinking, “He likes her, look (pointing at TV)… he really likes her!” As a viewer, I was privy to a special moment and recognized what was happening before the characters even did!  Kensi and Deeks may not have been too sure that a love story was about to unfold, but as the camera pulled back, there was a connection between this man and woman that sparkled on screen and that’s when the magic happened. That was just one small example of why we love these characters so much.  As long as NCISLA keeps playing to the characters’ strengths, their fan base will always be there for them.

So, come on all you Dave Kalstein fans… open up your pockets and fire up your keyboards and help us raise money for this worthy cause to prevent animal abuse and cruelty. Go to the home page and click on Charity Auction.  We want to raise a total of $2000 (or more!) by the time we have our 2013 NCISLA Familia meet up in Los Angeles on October 13 & 14. There will be a number of other auctions coming up throughout the year to help us reach our goal, so stay tuned and bid, bid, bid!

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