Category Archives: 4×13 – Paper Soldiers
Picture & Quote of the Week
Paper Soldiers (4×13) Ratings
NCIS: Los Angeles” Sweeps Time Period in Viewers and Demos
NCIS: LOS ANGELES was first in households (10.9/16), viewers (17.48m), adults 25-54 (4.1/09) and adults 18-49 (2.7/07). NCIS: LOS ANGELES posed its second-best viewer delivery this season and matched the season’s second-best adults 25-54 rating. NCIS: LOS ANGELES beat NBC, ABC, FOX and CW combined in viewers by +60% (vs. 10.92m).
Paper Soldiers Review (4×13) by Phillydi
Paper Soldiers (4×13)
Written by: Jordana Lewis Jaffe
Directed by Terrence O’ Hara
The Doctor is in! Our favorite Operational Psychologist, Nate Getz is back in the Mission and if the trailers were any indication of how this show was going to go, we knew we were going to be in for a lot of laughs. It’s great to see Peter Cambor reprise his role as Nate and I always look forward to his camera time, specifically with Linda Hunt. According to EW Online: “This episode is a must-see for fans of both Nate and Hetty,” executive producer Shane Brennan says. “Not only do we get to have Nate guest in the episode, but we get to see him go undercover with Hetty. It’s one of the most memorable, funny undercover operations we’ve done on the series.”
Jordana Lewis Jaffe (Honor) and Terrence O’Hara (Endgame) are also returning this season in their respective craft to lead the cast in search of a possible cover-up in the death of a fallen marine. The show begins as guest star Jonathan Murphy (Ian Brockhurst)leaves the morgue right before a break-in occurs. Our thief doesn’t get to enjoy his spoils very long and we’re off and running. The thief turns out to be a private detective hired by the Marine’s wife who was killed in Afghanistan. She’s is suspicious of his death and now there are two people dead… Is there a Marine cover-up going on?
Hurray! Rose is back too! Love seeing all these recurring characters back at NCIS. After meeting with Rose, the team determines that Lt. Prietto’s body was used for organ donations, but his widow is adamant he would never have been a donor. Now Prietto’s file is missing and security cameras show the detective leaving with the evidence. But it’s Nate to the rescue as we see the return of the roving Psychologist… and the dreaded Psych Evals! Not really, it was just a ruse to get Nate to return to the Mission. Hetty has a secret mission for Nate. I love how 6’5” Peter Cambor has to stand three steps below Hetty in order to be at the same eye level. Great visual!
In the meantime, Callen is sure someone is hiding something in the death of the Marine. Too many details are just not adding up and now his widow has taken it out of the agents’ hands by going to the press to find her answers. Kensi and Deeks question another Marine that was injured the day Prietto was murdered. He immediately becomes tight-lipped after finding Prietto has died. Back at the morgue, Ian Bruckhurst gives Callen and Sam the final autopsy report showing Preitto died of a single gunshot wound but it’s still not enough to answer why he was killed.
Finally, the detective’s hard drive gives the team their first person of interest….Rose. Pictures of her are found on the drive, and Nate refused to believe she is involved in the cover-up. Hetty is going to push all of Nate’s buttons next by having him do the interrogation. It’s time to play the pawn and if that’s not bad enough, Kensi and Deeks are searching her house for evidence. Lo and behold…they find the Marine’s morgue file. Rose is in denial and points out that her signature has been forged in the file reports. With a little Eric and Nell magic, the teams finds out the real culprit…Ian Bruckhurst who has been working with the Funeral Home in the sale of black market tissue donors.
The scene with Hetty and Nate or should I say Beatrice Fitzpatrick and Chester (and don’t forget Felix) was vintage NCISLA. Now you know why we miss Nate so much! I don’t know who was better keeping in character (Don’t pretend you knew Daddy!) but I haven’t laughed this much in ages! It was like watching an episode of the Adams Family! Creepy and spooky! It was a joy to see the two of them together again. Don’t stay away too long Nate Getz! I think we should start a campaign to get Nate to return to the Mission. What do you think?
Between 2005-2009, there was an increase in the amount of illegal trading of human tissue being sold on the black market. Apparently it’s a billion dollar market. Jaffe has written another great episode based on current affairs.
Highlights from the Show
- Kensi? A serial plant killer? A mug shot at the nursery? I know how you feel, girlfriend! At least one thing Kensi and I have in common…a brown thumb! It seems Kensi’s penchant for killing plants is also shared by Jaffe . Fun opening scene with all the gang. Great to see them being so silly.
- If the open scene can’t get much crazier, we then have Eric milking a sideways cow to call everyone up to Ops! He’s being a mime… of course! Stick to your day job, Eric! Good advice from Sam…”Go method!”
- Does it surprise you that Hetty plays chest with Gorbachev? Nah.
- Callen getting dating tips from Nate was priceless… Oh, Callen… that wasn’t nice, he was just trying to see how you were doing… but it was funny. (Nate: I hate it when he does that!)
- Did you get the feeling Sam was enjoying his encounter with Hetty in the Funeral House just a little too much? Shorty? I wouldn’t want to be Sam when they return to the Mission! (Sam: I’m sensing some hostility here.)
- Final last words on Sam: Got to love a man in uniform!
Best Lines from the Show
Eric: Nell and I kissed.
Nell: This is not happening.
Eric: I’m pretty sure it was just to get me in a pair of tights. So I’m just going to put it out there.
Deeks: Holy Dewey decimal system!
Sam: Hetty’s being nice.
Hetty: Hetty is always nice. (Go Hetty!)
Eric: I’m sorry, someone had some really pungent sauerkraut for lunch, and it’s throwing me off my game. (Don’t hear that line, everyday!)
Hetty: You remember Felix, sweetheart. I skinned him myself.
Nate: Please tell me you’re in character.
Bromance Moments
Deeks make the Bromance section this week!
Deeks: Alright, Kensi just pulled up blaring My Chemical Romance, which means she’s not her cheerful, chipper self, so I think we should just probably play it cool.
Sam: Deeks, I always play it cool.
Callen: I’m actually playing aloof, which is the anti-social version of cool.
Sam: Ok, so if I’m cool and you’re aloof, what does that make you?
Deeks: Enigmatic?
Callen: No, Hetty is enigmatic. You are…
Deeks: Charming?
Callen: Puerile.
Deeks: Handsome?
Sam: Otiose. It means pointless.
Densi Moments
We’re touché(ing) again. Kensi continues to enjoy teasing Deeks, but do you get the feeling Deeks is not enjoying it as much?
Deeks: What are you squinting at? Time for some granny glasses?
Kensi: No, I’m trying to visualize what you look like behind a desk as a public defender. Clean shaven, short hair…
Deeks: I looked exactly like this.
Kensi: Like this? Clients actually put their hands in this?
Deeks: First off I was very good in my job.
Kensi: Says you.
Deeks: Secondly, my clients were assigned to me so they didn’t have a choice.
Kensi: Oh, I know the feeling.
Deeks: And thirdly.
Kensi: Third.
Deeks: Thirdly. Everyone knows that public defenders are rebels of the legal profession.
Kensi: Rebel without a due process clause?
Deeks: Kensi made a legal funny. Pretty proud of yourself? You know what? I’ll give it to you. Touché!
Kensi: Touché!
Did you hear Deeks’ new nickname for Kensi: Kensalina? Really, Deeks?
The show is going to be taking a break for a week but come back again for a new review the following week! In the meantime, check out my interview later this week with Jonathan Murphy who played Ian Bruckhurst. See you SOON!
NCIS: Los Angeles: Nate Is Back – And This Time It’s Personal
Ever since Peter Cambor became a recurring cast member on NCIS: Los Angeles, the return visits of operational psychologist Nate Getz have been rather illuminating.
While last season revealed Nate to have become exceedingly more skilled in hand-to-hand combat than we ever imagined, this time around, the case is personal, dealing with matters of the mind — and, more importantly, the heart. When the team’s investigation of a Marine’s death leads them to the morgue, the agents begin to question whether the coroner, Nate’s former flirty friend Rose (Kathleen Rose Perkins), is hiding information.