Daniela Ruah about Spoils Of War and the Densi Punch

This Tuesday at 9/8c, CBS’ NCIS: Los Angeles team makes tracks for Afghanistan, to track down and rescue a fallen-off-the-grid Kensi. TVLine spoke with new mom Daniela Ruah about filming Kensi’s solo mission while increasingly pregnant, her character’s conflict, “turbulent” times for Deeks and a somewhat controversial clobbering.

TVLINE | As I’ve spoken to Shane Brennan over the past six months or so, I’ve marveled at what he was able to pull together to work around the pregnancy and spin an exciting yarn, all without missing a beat. When did you tell him what was going on?
I held off from telling anybody but family until the 12-week mark, but that happened to come along about two weeks before we started shooting the season, which bode well for me because I gave Shane plenty of time to make a plan. So I scheduled a call and said I had some awesome news, that I’m 12 weeks pregnant, and his reaction was one of immediate joy. I said, “I know this is kind of like going to happen in the middle of the season, which doesn’t make things easy for anybody…,” but he was like, “No. No. No. This is the most joyous thing that’ll ever happen to you. Take advantage of every moment of it!”

Read the whole article on tvline.com.

5 thoughts on “Daniela Ruah about Spoils Of War and the Densi Punch

  1. LasiaMsinred

    OK, I hadn’t been too loud when the whole Densi Punch happened even though I thought it was not the right thing to do.
    After reading this interview I have to throw in my 2 cents..
    I watched the show since the very first episode.I know that Kensi and Deeks are kinda rough with each other. It’s funny and I usually enjoy those scenes.
    The problem about the so-called “DensiPunch” in Frozen Lake? It was his face!!! She walked up and slapped him. I totally understand that choosing physical pain as a consequence **she told Nate her method was based on science 😉 ** is Kensi’s way to deal with Deeks. She could have punched his arm,his stomach,kick his leg, pull his hair,pull his ear…I don’t know what else but slapping someone’s face is just a No-Go for me. #sorrynotsorry
    Of course, I not mad at Kensi or Daniela and happy she’s back!

  2. vaso hara

    i dont like densi for couple !partners at job ?yes they are fun but couple NO!i am deeks funs !i want a soft, delicate woman for our deeks not a char like kensi!

  3. tara

    Talk about being put on the spot. Now Daniela will probably be raked over on the coals for her answer to the punch. It’s not her fault. She didn’t write the episode, Dave Kalstein did. Why didn’t the writer of the article ask him that question. Actors just show up and say their lines.

  4. vaso hara

    the guy from tv guide had right if a man had given that punch to a woman will be a confusion from funs.

  5. Jericho Steele

    I wasn’t going to comment about ‘the punch’ … but now I am.

    A punch to the arm is a way of saying … Knock it off! Get your head in the game! You’re annoying me! You’re cute! … and on and on.

    A punch or slap to the face is an insulting gesture that conveys a lack of respect or down right anger. On NCIS, Gibbs slaps Dinozzo on the back of the head because “A slap to the face is an insult, a slap to the back of the head is a wake-up call”.

    What Kensi did was inexcuseable and I’m sad that the topic hasn’t been addressed by the writers. If Deeks had punched or slapped Kensi in the face … there would have been an uproar calling for boycotts of the show and the producer’s head on a platter.

    Given Deeks’ horrible childhood and the torture he had just endured … Kensi displayed a tremendous amount of insensitivity and callousness toward a man she claimns to have feelings for. I’m a DENSI shipper forever … but if this is how she’s going to react everytime something happens … maybe he’d be better off back in that chair. At least with Sidorov, Deeks saw it coming.

    Semper Fi

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