Taking pictures of strangers in the middle of the night gone wrong…

Note to self: Don’t use this parking spot in LA EVER !!

Talking backwards vs demonic possession ?? It’s Danish, guys !!

Welsh ?? Gotcha !! And then comes Hetty… 😉

Sam appreciating Deeks’ *liaising* abilities… Callen thinking it was pronounced “lazing”… Glad Deeks can see the fun in those word plays.

Never trust a Koala Man !! ROFL

Kensi & Granger working the same case in Kabul…

Itchy new shirt… right… 😉

Oh, that look when Kensi’s not there – heartbreaking…

More than four sexual references in a 10 card Rorschach test is a strong indicator for Schizophrenia ?? Good to know !!

Sven, fabulous interior decorator to the stars… Sam is excited !! 😉

“You can’t be scared of the color.”
“Color’s the last thing I’m scared of!” Hilarious !!

Why do they always run ??

“You have an app for an ancient money tranfer system?” “There’s an app for everything.”

Anyone else thought *our guys in suits* when Nell mentioned the fundraiser ??

Deeks’ new partner…

Did Microsoft buy Instagram or why this bold product placement ??

Suits… tada… 😉

Busted… and saved… phew !!

“Something tells me these guys aren’t doctors.”

Seems Kensi doesn’t mind Deeks’ selfies… 😉

Now that’s a lot of BOOM !!

The suit pact !! AWESOME !!

Helmet Hair. Yeah, Granger wouldn’t know about that… 😉

No Deeks… #sadface

The suit working its magic…

Sniper Callen !!

Just grab those dead-man switches ?!

“I thought you might need some help.”

“Cannot imagine a happier day.” Great editing !!

“I hereby declare on oath…” What a heartbreaking ending !!
What do you think of Andrew Bartels first NCIS Los Angeles episode ?? Did I miss any major scenes / quotes ?? We’re happy to read your thoughts in the comments…
I enjoyed this week’s episode! I really like Kensi and I hope she’ll be back soon but I have to say that her absence gives us the chance to see what a great operator Deeks is. He nailed it!
A member of our ncislafamilia said that combing names might give you the impression that the characters can’t exist as individuals anymore (I totally agree with you,Christine :)) I think that’s what happened to Deeks and Kensi. At least,that’s how I feel.
Did anyone notice how great “our boys” get along? I love it!
The suit pact was my favorite scene **what suit?**
Buttom line: When Kensi comes back I’d like to “mix it up” a little bit. Even though they work as partners…why don’t we send Deeks and Sam (Quick)undercover? Like in this week’s episode. Kensi could join Callen on an undercover op or Sam. Kensi and Sam undercover…don’t recall seeing that.Could be interesting.
Finally! Some “Operational Granger” I’m sure he used to be a great field agent back in the days. It was funny how Kensi tried to explain Helmet hair to him. I had trouble picturing the Afghanistan storyline when they announced it but Daniela and Miguel did a great job and convinced me.
I really enjoyed last night’s episode. There was so much light hearted banter between Callen, Deeks and Sam. Plus the way they all entered into the suit pact was awesome. I can’t remember the young man’s name in the episode but he was so good, the way he played off our regular guys and stepped up to help at the end. Great Job.
Kudos to Frank Military & new writer Andrew Bartels episode. Loved the beginning with Deeks trying to learn a new language. It did sound like gibberish. Actually it sounded the way I would sound if I was trying to learn a new language.:) So funny when Callen and Sam both called each other out on their language mistakes. And of course Hetty knew Welsh. No surprise there!
So cute how Deeks and Kensi were trying to make themselves presentable before the other came over the video feed. But very sad that they missed seeing each other. Think that was planned by Hetty???
Very cute suit pact between the guys!
Normally Granger isn’t always my favorite character, but there are times when he is. And this episode was one of those times. I like Daniela & Miguel working together. The afghan scenes are just clicking because of the two of them.
This episode was great, I loved that young man (!!he acted so good!!) and the suit-pact =)
Kensi and Granger are a great couple indeed, and seeing how Deeks, Callen and Sam work together seemed finally natural, which made me happy in the end.
Really, did they use this parking twice? Will remember that #wontuseit
Your picture recap was good, sindee, thank you!
Yay, NCIS LA is back from the holiday break! Well, I was happy until I saw that it’s ANOTHER 3 weeks until War Cries airs, so… guess I’m gonna have to rely on rewatching old episodes and fanfiction once more 😀
Love the recap, sindee, thanks!
I definitely loved the language scene in the beginning with Hetty chiming in in Welsh, very funny! Does anyone know what she actually said? And what does that Danish sentence from Deeks mean?
SVEN! Wow, that was really a performance that I didn’t see coming. I think at first I thought it was too much but then I had to laugh so hard. Let’s say it was an unusual undercover character, different from the others that Deeks has done so far. In this interview by young hollywood with ECO he said that he also thought it could be getting too much but the producers kept pushing him 🙂 I have to say, though, that that was in no way a German accent since Sven is supposed to be German. I’m German and I thought it sounded a bit like French maybe.
Ehsan Navid was a funny yet a little weird (in a good way) character, quite a dancer, too 😉 Deeks didn’t seem so thrilled at first about his new partner but Ehsan did really well in the undercover scene later and of course in the end helping Sam with the bomb. Our guys looked great in the suits by the way <3
When the second bomber, the woman, came, my first reaction was somehow, 'oh no that's the girl he was having a date with, she's bad!' But it turned out it was a whole other person, whew! To me the two women looked somewhat alike.
I also liked how the Afghanistan storyline was linked with the LA case this ep, it was good for Kensi to see the team and vice versa. But sooo sad that neither Kensi or Deeks were there (what a 'coincidence') when the other was on video chat! It was cute to see how they were both fidgeting with their clothes/hair to look good 😀
The selfies made up a bit for that, though. Anyone else thought that Kensi looks a bit sad in her selfie? What I didn't understand at all, was how they were even able to send pictures to each other via their normal cell phones. What happened to the whole 'secure line' thing? How did Deeks have her number? Anyway, it was sweet <3 And Hetty's comment about keeping track on Deeks' instagram, really good 🙂
Until the end I was hoping for a Densi video chat scene and I was disappointed! 🙁 Especially when Kensi sat before that monitor watching news, I thought Deeks was gonna pop up on the screen.
Altogether great episode!
I really enjoyed this feel good episode, great for the New Year re-start, and nate got a mention.
The use of languages is so good, however hetty’s Welsh needs some attention, it is a very musical sounding language and her prounciation was not good.
The link ups with Kensie and Granger keep the team intact and Sam/Callen were on top of thier game, the suits looked good on the boys aswell.
I do like the thinkf Frank Military does and the writing was excellent too, in a way quite refreshing.
Thank you Sindee for a very entertaining recap of this episode. I loved it. It had something for everyone. There was both action and humour. From a car blown up in Los Angeles, to action with Kensi and Granger in Afghanistan, to Callen the sniper, back in the United States we were all on the edge of our seats. Deeks was the highlight of the night with his impersonation of “Sven”. I was laughing out loud. Then there was the issue of the suit and the resulting pact. It was nice to see the boys all working together at last. Speaking of suits, it is always a treat to see them all dressed up like that. I would like to say right now how much I enjoyed Wesam Keesh’s performance. He was wonderful. You really could identify with him and his hopes. The last scene brought a tear to everyone’s eye I am sure. The languages scene was indeed quite funny and Callen speaking a foreign language is very sexy. The boys and girls of NCISLA are very much a language teacher’s dream.
This was such a fun episode and great to start the year off with. I love when our team speaks many languages so I enjoyed the opening scene a lot! It was funny how Sam and G both commented on what the other said. Also noticed how Callen has spoken arabic in this episode and in recruit, but back in black widow he said he didn’t speak it. Wonder if that was just his undercover character (although sam translated it) or if he has learned it since then.
The first scene in that parking lot immediately reminded me of chameleon and exit strategy. Definitely not the safest place to park 😉
I LOVED Sven! Such a fun scene to watch! Hope we get to see more of him!
I enjoyed watching Callen play a russian, those are my favorite undercovers he has and it was great to see him interact in that cover with nell, made me laugh.
The part where with the bomb vests was so intense, especially when they realized both had dead man switches! Was surprised when callen said to grab them, that’s so dangerous, but of course they could do it and was nice how sam and deeks had to do it together. Crazy how close callen had to get near his teammates to shoot the bad guys and how they came to the bomb going off, those were such great scenes.
I may be in the minority but I actually love that Kensi is in Afghanistan. We get to see how the guys interact without her and this episode just reflects how great they can work together. Kensi is also really shining in this story line, think it makes the team that much better.
There wasn’t really any neric scenes, was there? Well hopefully more next time. Just have to last the next three weeks until war cries. I’m going to stop now before I keep rambling and this turns into a novel.
Great Episode – definitely in my top 10 of the Series.
I didn’t miss Kensi being on the team. I like her character but the whole “Densi” thing is getting annoying. I like Kensi and Deeks as partners and friends, like Sam and Callen, but not liking the romantic interest.
If I hear ‘touche’ one more time I will throw something (soft) at my TV 😉
LOVED Deeks with Sam at the rug store 🙂 The kid was awesome. Great acting and interaction with the guys.
Best line of the night was Deeks to Callen->
“Come on G-man, it’s for love.” <3
And last but not least, Callen rocked as the team sniper. That plaid shirt was super fine on him. And that suit? WOW! Didn't care for the accent but damn he looked hot-as-hell <3 The pact in the boat shed was awesome – especially since skeptical Callen led it. 🙂
I really enjoyed this episode, which is a good thing cuz I’m already going thru new ep withdrawal. I was so disappointed for Kensi and Deeks that they did not get to see each other in the video conference (I wonder if that was deliberate on Granger’s part, and maybe on the part of the LA team as well? It would have taken a lot of discipline for both of them to stay focused on the mission while seeing each other again for the first time since Frozen Lake.)
As much as I liked Eshan, I don’t see any possibility of him becoming a recurring character. The character just wouldn’t have anything to do. Recurring characters are better if they have a natural role to play, like a CIA agent (Michelle, Sabatino), or another NCIS agent (Grace) or even a cop (Eva Espinoza). Still, this was an example where the guest star added something to the show.
Like the language scene, but how much work does it take for the actors to learn to pronounce all that stuff (not enough based on the comments I’ve seen on other boards from native speakers).
I liked Sven, and got the impression that Deeks loved driving Sam nuts with that character. I love those guys together.
I already can’t wait for the next new episode.
I really liked the episode. Thanks for another wonderful picture recap Sindee.
Everyone else has already said just about all I could about this episode except for one thing. Since Frozen Lake, I’ve been hyper aware of every time someone says they don’t have a shot. I was half-expecting someone else to comment on Callen saying that while trying to shoot Sam’s bomber.