NCIS Los Angeles ‘The Grey Man’ Picture Review

That guy's harassing the homeless so deserved to get their a**es kicked !!

Those guys harassing the homeless so deserved to get their a**es kicked !!

Wow, who abducts a homeless guy ??

Wow, who abducts a homeless guy ??

Sam, the Super-Dad !! Too cute for words... :)

Sam, the Super-Dad !! Too cute for words… 🙂

Granger danger...

Granger danger…

"What's the punch line ?"

“What’s the punch line ?”

The homeless was CIA...

The homeless was CIA…

"Grey Man is someone who has the skills to blend in to any environment and remain unnoticed." Self Characterization, Callen ?? :)

“Grey Man is someone who has the skills to blend in to any environment and remain unnoticed.” Self Characterization, Callen ?? 🙂

Granger is acting strange, no ?? And where's Hetty, btw ??

Granger is acting strange, no ?? And where’s Hetty, btw ??

Reminding Kensi who the "PTSD story goes" ?? Not nice, Granger !!

Reminding Kensi how the “PTSD story goes” ?? Not nice, Granger !!

Callen has a girlfriend ?? Really ?? They need 8 eps to mention her this season ??

Callen has a girlfriend ?? Really ?? They need 8 eps to mention her this season ??

Deeks complaining about Kensi's eating habits... Never gets old ?? Or does it ?? What do you think ??

Deeks complaining about Kensi’s eating habits… Never gets old ?? Or does it ?? What do you think ??

So the guy was just dressed up as a homeless ?? Who was he working for ??

So the guy was just dressed up as a homeless ?? Who was he working for ??

ARTIE !! :)

ARTIE !! 🙂

Sam's daughter called Hetty for the dinner "emergency" LOL

Sam’s daughter called Hetty for the dinner “emergency” LOL

FroJo with Claude Rains... Hetty's talking in riddles... I likey !!

FroJo with Claude Rains… Hetty’s talking in riddles… I likey !!

Granger and his NOT-friend

Granger and his NOT-friend

"That's him on the left." Nooo... 'That's ME on the left' or 'That's him on the RIGHT.' bothered me in the sneak peek already... sorry for the outbreak !!

“That’s him on the left.” Nooo… ‘That’s ME on the left.’ or ‘That’s him on the RIGHT.’ bothered me in the sneak peek already… sorry for the outbreak !!

Sweet intercom Densi...

Sweet intercom Densi…

Kens remembering "old times"... great Densi scene !!

Kens remembering “old times”… great Densi scene !!

The CIA guys were involved in the White Ghost Mission ??

The CIA guys were involved in the White Ghost Mission ??

Who hates LA ?? *shocked* LOL

Who hates LA ?? *shocked* LOL

Wow, is this guy afraid of Granger ??

Wow, is this guy afraid of Granger ??

Throwing away the homeless guy's French Fries ?? #BOOH

Throwing away the homeless guy’s French Fries ?? #BOOH

Lady meeting with the Suits... interesting !!

Lady meeting with the Suits… interesting !!

Hetty's back in the game !!

Hetty’s back in the game !!

How would you rate "Artie" ?? :)

How would you rate “Artie” ?? 🙂

Callen and Sam in suits... Hetty is a mind reader... ;)

Callen and Sam in suits… Hetty is a mind reader… 😉

Taking the bait...

Taking the bait…

You name it, you talk to it, right ??

You name it, you talk to it, right ??

And suddenly she is not so tough anymore.

And suddenly she is not so tough anymore.

Niiice !!

Niiice !!

The Blonde One and her daughter are missing.

The Blonde One and her daughter are missing.

So, it's a family matter, wow.

So, it’s a family matter, wow.

And Callen thinks about what it's like to have his father watch over him...

And Callen thinks about what it’s like to have his father watch over him…

So Kensi has sexy ankles, huh ?? :)

So Kensi has sexy ankles, huh ?? 🙂

"I'm not gonna let you do this."

“I’m not gonna let you do this.”

Deeks confusing the guards... yeah, that what he's good at... LOL

Deeks confusing the guards… yeah, that what he’s good at… LOL

Plan BOOM !!

Plan BOOM !!

Everyone's safe... phew...

Everyone’s safe… phew…

The understanding Uncle Callen... ROFL

The understanding Uncle Callen… ROFL

"Don't worry about your dad. He will always be there for you." Aww !!

“Don’t worry about your dad. He will always be there for you.” Aww !!

More Joelle insight...

More Joelle insight…

Will Callen ever find the answers he's looking for ??

Will Callen ever find the answers he’s looking for ??

So, what do you all think about “The Grey Man” ?? Let’s talk in the comments…

26 thoughts on “NCIS Los Angeles ‘The Grey Man’ Picture Review

  1. BH72

    Thanks, sindee for a great recap, as always. I was waiting for Sam to make his grey man analysis to Callen and he didn’t disappoint. Great reference to the White Ghost, bringing S5 storyline into the mix was a valid touch to this episode. We’ve heard about Kensi’s time on the streets before – was it Blye, K parts 1 & 2? Need to watch them again to check, but I thought Deeks already knew about her time on the streets. How my heart went out to Callen when it was revealed that the greyman was watching over his son. This has to be a stepping stone for more emotional stuff for Callen to come. Thanks to the cast and crew for another job well done.

    1. Sol

      BH72, the episode was 4X03, when a young girl, Astrid, reminds Kensi her bad times on street.
      I like Sam super Dad and Artie! Sweet Densi moment and finally some hope that they’ll give us news about Callen’s life and family.

      1. BH72

        Thank you, Sol. I knew they had dealt with Kensi being on the streets at some point. So not sure why they brought it up as something new. I suppose after so many episodes, some things get forgotten. But they need to remember that the fans don’t.

        1. densidream

          But they didn’t bring it up as something new. When Kensi told Deeks, he responded that he already knew because Hetty had told him some time already.

  2. Rayanne

    Thanks for the recap. I was confused about the mention of Joelle for two reasons. One it took long enough this season to mention her and two we have had several hints about Callen getting some romance later this season with someone connected to his past. One thought I had at the end of the ep when Callen wonders why the dad didn’t tell his son who he was is that maybe the woman from his past is Kristin from Past Lives. Just my thought on that. I did like seeing him in suit! I also liked the scene with Kensi telling Deeks about her time on the street. Even if he knew about it before, it was still a nice scene. Overall nice episode and can’t wait for next week!!!

  3. SnoopGirl

    An awesome recap for an awesome episode!
    I agree with Rayanne, I think the conversation at the end had Callen thinking about Michael & Kristen from “Past Lives”, specifically because Hetty said “respecting the mother’s wishes”.
    When Callen said “Banana Hanna” I rolled my eyes. Seriously, what purpose could “they” have for not giving Sam’s daughter a REAL name? Other than that, I loved the Sam-as-a-father scenes 🙂
    I can’t believe I am saying this but the Callen in a suit wasn’t the highlight of the episode 😉 “Densi” stole the show! Loved every moment they were on screen!

    My favourite episode of the season and in my top ten faves of the series.

    1. LasiaMsinRed

      I like the idea of Kristin and Michael coming back…even though I can’t imagine G with a son ….which doesn’t mean it would be a bad situation maybe seeing that a person/his son can learn to love him no matter how the circumstances are.

  4. LasiaMsinRed

    Awesome Recap,Sindee!
    As always you picked the best moments.
    I think all in all it was a good episode. One I’ll definitely re-watch for the Callen scenes.
    Yes, I was upset when I found out that Joelle was still on the radar. They didn’t mention her for a long time, in Mexico G didn’t behave like a taken man,he wanted to stay with the girls and have some fun and I don’t see him as the kind of guy who cheats on his girlfriend.
    I also don’t like the fact that Hetty is kinda pushing it but well what can I do.
    – Sam’s daughter is a funny girl. I really enjoyed her calls.
    – My heart dropped when I saw the look in G’s eyes during the “his father was watching over him the whole time” reference.
    – The last scene was really significant . I think the Greyman-topic will come up again. Hetty specifically said something about “respecting the mother’s wishes” but why would Clara want her kids to grow up w/o their dad ?
    I like the idea of someone watching over Callen so I hope there will be more to come.

  5. Mogorva

    All my thoughts are pretty much already written down in the posts above, I agree with everything they said. I didn’t think Praesidium could be topped, much less by a standalone, but I think it was better than even 6×03. This episode just teleported itself into my top3, if not to top of the list of the show (It’s hard to decide). I will definitely rewatch it.

    I’m a little confused about Callen’s marital status too, but his private life is… well, private, as we saw in former seasons. My biggest question is, why bring up Joelle now? After such a long time. I have nothing against her, but it’s a little weird, I was under the impression, they broke up or something, when I read the statement about the new love interest. Judging by the scenes where he learned, that the grey man was watching his son from the shadows and the last scene with Hetty, the Callen has a past and family storyline will come up later in this season. I’m not so enthusiastic about the episodes digging into his past, but this can be interesting.

    Sam as a parent is becoming an integral part of this season, now we saw him interacting with his daughter and later we will also see his son. I wonder, which way these stories will go. He’s very protective by nature, and loves his family. The return of his teenage son migh cause some turbulence in his life. Just a thought.

    These were some very nice moments between Kensi and Deeks, it showed how deep and strong their friendship is. I didn’t sense too much romantic voices in these conversations, but I didn’t even miss them, these were just perfect the way the were.
    And the question brings up itself. Where does their relationship stand now? Are the writers still playing the push-pull game? At the start of the season they seemed pretty close, almost in a de facto relationship, but lately there aren’t any indication if they are together or not.

  6. Vasileia

    Great recap, Sindee thank you!
    From promo and sneak peeks, i expected a great episode and instead i just watched an average one..
    Season 6 is such a disappointement for me.
    I believe that what makes Ncis LA different -and because of that better- than the other action tv series is the personalities of the main actors.. At this season, we are watching episodes with good plot and screenplay but we learn so little about the characters..
    Really miss season 4..

    1. cashkend

      Maybe you should look closely to the eyes of the characters, listen closely to their words… We know now why Kensi never speaks about her year in the streets – and the fact that she opened up to Deeks is just a big big step in her journey…
      We learnt also that G is still in the “why, dad?” struggle, but also that these questions might hit him one day too, from the opposite side… – if he’sn’t yet watching Michael, he’ll do soon – if he’s “respecting the mother’s wishes”, one day “he’ll want to tell him but just won’t know how.”…
      And the “the Grey Man never reveals his secrets.” was also Hetty warning G about keeping his own secrets – she didn’t buy the “parents in town”. Joelle might be only a cover, backing up G’s story because they became friends and because of the Hanna’s trick when they met…

      1. Vasileia

        Cashkend, you’ve got good point in everything you said.. always a fan of this show, just missing the intense moments of the previous seasons.. The rush till the next episode!

  7. Lisa-Marie

    So is Callen still dating Joelle then or not if they are bringing her up that must mean she comes back hopefully and maybe put in danger so Callen can safe her in a romantic way and we see callen have a hug and kiss scene

  8. skippy

    Great picture recap. It never gets boring with your comments.

    Eating habits, okay, this gets old.
    It was an okay episode with a big twist (a bit too big probably), less action and a great teamwork, some funny scenes with Sam and his daughter, Hetty with Sams daughter, Callen with Sams daughter, which was also touching and some serious scenes.
    But mainly this episode was all about fathers IMO.
    Sam being super daddy, Kensi living on the streets after her father died (we knew this already), Goodsell the father an ex CIA agent and greyman protecting his son and this reminding Callen of his father.
    And my guess it that Callen is not really sure about Joelle and this certain case reminds him what may be more important to him, to search for his father.
    The friendship with Joelle will be finished pretty soon since there is another love interest announced (the end of this season).
    And I really hope that Callen tries to find his father. It seems so un-Callen not trying to find him after he found out that he might be still alive somewhere (over a year ago!).

  9. CCalicott

    First thank you Sindee for the recap. I enjoy looking at it every week.
    I agree with all the other comments on here. This was a great episode. I enjoyed all the twists and turns, and I think we may have gotten some foreshadowing about Callen later this season.
    What confuses me is Joelle. Is she the mystery romance? After the conversation with Hetty you could tell he was thinking. Maybe he hasn’t told Joelle who he really is and is going to, or maybe he thinks it might be better to end it. And Sam said in Mexico that Callen was lonely. I agree Callen doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to cheat. Either way, I think we are going to get a couple of good Callen episodes this season, so that is always exciting.
    Next weeks episode though looks intense. I wonder if we find the mole once and for all.

  10. densidream

    I found the case hard to follow this episode. Who was conspiring or related with who or not or… I just don’t know. Great recap though, thanks, Sindee!
    Nevertheless I liked the Densi scenes (as always 😉 ). I think where they’re trying to go with Kensi and Deeks is build up trust first. By telling each other these stories or letting each other see what bothers and upsets them. At some point I believe they will reach a point where they will get together again. Anyway, that’s what I hope! 🙂
    I also liked the calls of Sam’s daughter, especially in the first scene. I can’t help but notice how often kids are mentioned and Deeks and especially Kensi are just smiling, like it is a nice thought between them…
    And awesome: Plan BOOM! 😀
    On to a different matter! Callen and Joelle are still together? When was she introduced, like half a season ago? I find this very weird considerung that she didn’t appear once in all this time. (Not that I’m such a big fan of her…)
    And really, who doesn’t like L.A.? I mean, I haven’t been there (I’m not even from the U.S.), but I would like to go some day. And then find out where they were shooting all the scenes and stuff xD
    A question at the end, maybe someone can answer me: The guys that bothered the homeless people (not the ones with the masks that abducted the guy), were they in on the abduction or just a coincidence or what?

    1. BH72

      My thoughts on the guys trying to cause problems for the homeless guys was for the men who were searching for the grey man. It was set up to draw him out, so then they could grab him, which is what happened.

      1. cashkend

        I don’t know: the guys looked more scared than accomplices of the abductors. A least, they didn’t know it was about an abduction. Maybe the “very bad guys” just drew benefice of they’re taste of fight…

  11. Domingo

    I liked this episode a lot, and the reasons have been well. Said previously, but there was a very nice Callen/ Hetty moment at the end, something we have not seen for a while.

    It did look like they were setting the scene for a Callen episode. Always look forwRd to those.

  12. Spokoze

    Another really, really good episode.
    NCIS-LA is easily the best show on TV.
    Even so, not near enough Densi in Season 6—NOT EVEN CLOSE!
    Seriously, it’s time to take Densi to the big screen— “Kensi & Deeks: The Movie”

  13. diane

    Liked this episode much better than last week. Only fast-forwarded once (interrogation of girl). I liked the Deeks and Kensi scenes and the Grey Man label, pertaining to Callen.

  14. BW

    Really enjoyed this episode. Actually felt the continuity of past episodes in this and a resetting of the series.

    Liked that Kensi told Deeks herself about her life and why she did not tell him before – concerned of having him see her different.

    Sam and his daughter were sweet. Excited to see him with his son.

    Deeks getting to have a plan, was nice.

    Callen wondering Why about his Father’s action or non action was a surprise plus all the comments about the Grey Man, obviously the setup for the latter spoiled s/l.

    Skippy liked the idea about Father’s, think that was the theme.

  15. GG

    Great review sindee.

    In my opinion, it was one of the best episodes of the series and the best so far in season 6. The case was interesting. Deeks as a homeless guy is guaranteed fun and along with Sam and his daughter provided the fun part of the episode as Callen and Kensi provided the emotional part in a perfectly balanced way. I think that the interactions between Kensi and Deeks left the Densi fans satisfied (for once).

    Deeks coming up with the idea to save the mother and her daughter from the cartel was a nice surprise for me (as we don’t see this part of Deeks often).

    I was troubled with Granger’s attitude this week especially having in mind what’s coming up next week. I think he damaged the good image that he had built in the last 3-4(?) episodes by hiding the truth from the team.

    The only minor issue in this episode for me was Joelle’s return and that’s because she wasn’t even mentioned since season 5 which is odd.
    At last, I agree with those who stated that Callen’s story will start to unfold in the near future as it was clear that he was upset with the whole grey man story.

  16. Linda

    Thanks for a great recap, Sindee. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It was more serious than some of the others,but it again was a good example of team work. Everyone had a part to play. Eric and Nell came up with a lot of helpful information in OPS, and Hetty and Granger did their part. I just wish that Granger would make up his mind whether he wants to be a member of the team or not. Does he have to be so sarcastic even cruel. Did he really need to bring up PTSD with Kensi? Hetty is back in the game and it was a tender scene with her and Callen at the end. I think that it is only Hetty and Sam that Callen will really talk to. Kensi and Deeks were wonderful. Deeks was creative and funny with ” Artie ” his coat. Kensi had some great actions scenes and she is finally starting to open up with Deeks. They are getting closer. The episode was a terrific mixture of banter/ humour and serious action between Sam and Callen. The first scene with Sam and his daughter and the phone was very funny and heartwarming as was the scene with Callen and the phone call at the end. It all goes to family. That was brought home at the end when Hetty and Callen have their conversation about fathers and sons. It was so sad for Callen. You just wanted to hug him to make it better. I do hope he can find his own father in the end. I felt this was all about family , fiends and partnerships. So far season 6 has been a winner for me.

  17. I Feel Possessed

    I loved this episode, it has gone down as one of my favourites. The plot had a few twists but was not convoluted or difficult to follow. There were some very telling Densi scenes – most of them with Kensi opening up in such a way that she didn’t have to face Deeks (through earwigs). Humour was rife, especially with Sam’s daughter (will she ever be given a name)? Deeks of course was on fine form. Artie the jacket, jealous of Sam & Callen’s swish suits! But it was very much an episode that focused on partners, the past, the future with of course copious references to fathers; Deeks with the cartel guys in the old restaurant, Kensi and her life immediately after her father died, the grey man, and of course Callen.

    I’m glad Callen didn’t react badly to Sam referring to him as a ‘could have been grey man’ if he (Sam) hadn’t put the work in to restoring him emotionally, a project which Sam has been undertaking for the last five or so years. And as a result, Callen now believes he has a normal life; a support system around him, a home and a girlfriend. However this directly contradicts with the image he projects at the end, during his long over due heart to heart with Hetty.

    He is still emotionally fragile and his safety net consists of Sam and Hetty – and even then he still goes it alone when pushed. Just look at how he reacted to Sam when he was hunting Mattias. Whatever his relationship is with Joelle is seems clear the two aren’t that serious. She hasn’t invited him to meet her parents and I’m not sure he’s too bothered. Plus back in Black Budget he wanted to stay in Mexico with the girl (who was actually a prostitute!)

    And Hetty’s response to Callen at the end was intriguing. Was she referring to Callen’s father? Is he a grey man after all these years? Is she referring to Reinhardt who did indeed remain anonymous, watching over Callen on behalf of Reznikov? Or is/was the grey man respecting the mother’s wishes and staying away? And is this a reference to Goodsell or as some have suggested, that Kristen Donnelly lied to Callen about not being Michael’s father, and Callen just accepted that at face value?

    So many questions that I think now start to sow the seeds for a Callen related arc for the second half of the season.

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