We’ve seen our favorite team in a lot of different characters over the years… So let’s collect our ‘Favorite Undercover Characters’ for our ‘NCISLA 150 Moments’ !!
Remember, name as many as you like… THIS thread is to collect all your suggestions… next week we’re starting the polls to select the Top Ten of each topic…
We’re posting a ‘Suggestion Thread’ with a certain topic (in this case: Undercover Character) and YOU ALL can leave a (or many) comments with YOUR favorite moments regarding this topic.
After we have collected all your favorite moments to our topics we will start polls to find out the ’10 Favorite Moments’ of each topic.
And voilá we’ll have our ‘150 NCISLA Moments’ in no time…
To catch every #NCISLA150 post on the site click here >>#NCISLA150<<
Make sure to come back the next days when we post the suggestion threads for ‘Favorite Moment’ of each character !! 🙂
On the top of the list: Max Gentry. Also very memorable are Justin and Melissa from Neighbourhood Watch, Sam’s undercover character in the auction of some biological or chemical weapon (I think it was LD50 and botulinum), the tattoed Kensi in S3 (maybe Sans Voir, I’m not sure), and Eric in Rocket Man.
Tracy and Jason from Hand to Hand. Best into to a character ever.
hmm so many great ones.
Mr. Carl, Jason Tedrow, Steven Walinsky, Dr. Callen,
Sven, Fern
-Doctor Callen
-Callen in “Rage”
-Callen and Tracy “Hand to Hand” (ABSOLUTELY AWESOME)
-Kensi and Deeks in “Neighborhood Watch”
-Nell as Hetty
-Max Gentry
Max Gentry, Sven, Homeless guy for Deeks
Fern, for Kensi
Deeks and Kensi as a couple in Neighbourhood watch
Sam and Callen as Highway patrol
Mr Carl, Jason Tedrow, Mr Walinsky for Callen
David Foreman for Sam
Eric in Rocket man
Callen as Health inspector in Leipei,
Callen as game player, season one, it is the same episode of the ” is this a from” scène . I thought it’s search and destroy.
Kensi and Deeks in Neighbourhood Watch.
Mister Carl.
Callen in “The choosen one”
Callen in “Rage” and in the same episode Kensi as Callen’s girlfriend
Sam and Deeks in episode when they want to buy a carpet (I’m not sure what episode it was)
Sam and Callen as highway patrol
And of course Callen in Plot of the show “Legend” part 1 and 2
Nell Jones and Eric Beale, working at the airport as security officers in ‘Honor’
Kensi and Callen – ‘what are we’ ‘drunk’ in ‘Hunted’ and again in ‘Pushback’, ‘Keepin in Real’, ‘Rage’: The two of them are great as a team!
Nell posing as Hetty
Max Gentry! Can we have Deeks more taking that cover
Deeks as a homeless guy. Priceless
Sam looks good in a uniform. Paper Soldiers but even better in Purity (woow!)
Callen’s covers are great. Loved him in Rage, in Purity and Mailman Jimmy. Too many to mention 🙂
Callen: Jason Tedrow (I love him!!), Steven Walinski (season 1 – full throttle & season 6), Ray Haymes!
Sam: David Foreman, Terrell Ellis,
Kensi: Fern, tattooed Kensi (did she had a name?? xD), Jaime’s Cousin,
Deeks: Max Gentry
Eric & Nell: as security guard on that airport
Nell: undercover as Hetty
Hetty: as Sylvia
Hetty and Nate as mother and son in the funeralhome in Paper Soldiers, season 4. And of course Callen and Sam in the same scene where Sam is going against Hetty.
Hetty and Nate as mother & son (paper soliders)
Callen and Kensi pretending to be drunk (hunted)
Callen & Kensi pretending to be a couple who are in the middle of a bitter divorce from season 1 (can’t remember the name of the episode)
Deeks as Max Gentry
Kensi and Deeks in Neighborhood watch
Nell as Hetty
Kensi and her tattoos
Sam as Terrell Ellis
Nell and Eric at the airport (episode honor)
Deeks and Sam and Callen also at the airport (episode honor)
Deeks as a homeless guy
Everyone has had great suggestions. I would add:
Kensi and Deeks as Inez and her manager in Lone Wolf
Kensi and Deeks as Karen Bibb and Matthew Dunkler in The Livelong Day
Kensi and Deeks as the cousins from Kentucky from Seal Hunter
Kensi as the gangster car thief in Drive and as Lisa Roberts in The Job
Sam as Kumani and Callen as Richard Brown in The Job
Nell as Stephanie Prim from an unnamed department in Zero Days, bossing Sam around
Nell as Hetty
Callen as the handsome Dr.
Callen and Sam as highway patrolman
Hetty as Sylvia Cole
– as Esme in 2×15 Tin Soldiers
– all dressed up on the ship in 2×07 Anonymous where the agents are looking for the terorists after plastic surgery
– as bodyguard on the auction of biochemical weapons
– as security specialist in Sudan
– as Libyan speaker in 3×4 Deadline
Michelle as Quinn!
– as Jason Tedrow
– as arms smuggler Liam in Legend
– in Chosen One
– as John Harris in Recruit (”stolen soldiers”)
– with his ex-wife Tracy Keller
– as a game tester
– and my beloved character: the printer from Canada in 1×6 Keepin’ it Real
I forgot one: Nell and Granger as daughter and father 😀 😀 😀 never be forgotten again!
S 1:
– Callen infiltrating the militia group. / S1-8 Ambush
– Callen in the strip club trying to get the data. / S1-11 Breach
– Callen as Keelson dealing with Marinov / S1-23 Burned
S 2
– Callen as Ray Haymes / S2-18 Harms way
– Deeks as a tennis instructor, so funny / S3-2 Cyber threat
– Kensi and Deeks at Montalban International. / S3-13 Exit Strategy
– Sam and Callen at the airfield / S3-14 Partners
– Callen as rogue agent Callen / S4-1 Endgame
– Callen as Anwar Amurov / S4-13 The Chosen One
– Callen as Jimmy the mail guy / S6-12 Spiral
– Callen as Walinsky in Inelegant Heart and of course in Rage / S6-20
Max Gentry is on the top of my list.
Mr. Carl
Matthew Dunkler
Deeks as the tennis instructor
(and every Deeks’ undercover characters)
The undercover characters of Deeks, Kensi and Callen in season 1’s “Fame”
EP19 : Tracy & Jason Wyler
EP20: Tim & Fern
EP04: Deeks & Kensi as enganged couple
EP07: Kiki & her manager
EP20: Brown & Kumani
EP22: Deeks as Max Jentry
EP06: Jack Sparrow & Ines
EP13: Stone & Darcy
EP21: Dr Blye & nurse Deeks
EP22: Melissa & Justin
EP07: Deeks & Kensi as couple at the bar
EP08: Kensi as call girl
EP13: Callen as Anwar Amurov
EP22: Deeks & Kensi as married couple
EP06: Callen as school teacher
EP07: Karen & Matthew, FRA
EP09: Kensi & Deeks as nutritionist & sex addicted
Hetty + Nate: mom & son (412);
Callen + Sam: Kumani (220);
Kensi + Deeks: Melissa & Justin (322), Darcy & Christopher Stone (313);
Callen + Kensi: drunk at the port (112);
G: Jason Tedrow (112);
Martin: John Dale Sully (201), Matthew Dunkler (507) and Sven (513).