NCISLA Magazine TT Party #2

While we had a lot of fun at last week’s Trending Topic Party we didn’t get the hashtag #NCISLAMo10pm trending… 🙁

But fear not we’re making a new attempt this week 🙂

Here are some infos about “Trending Topics” from [2013] that might help reach our goal…
Twitter says its trends are ‘determined by an algorithm’ and that they identify ‘topics that are immediately popular’.
Also, it is worth remembering that trends don’t particularly last very long.
Use a new hashtag so that its rise is more pronounced.
Hit as wide an audience as possible in a limited time – the sharper the peak, the more chance you have of trending.

And from [2009]:
But, the million dollar question is: How many tweets are needed to trend on Twitter?
It actually varies according to the time of the day. As mentioned above, a trending topic is refreshed periodically. So, to figure at the top ten, the topic must be tweeted in a short period of time. It is necessary around 1200 tweets from 12am to 6am PDT to reach the top 10. From 6am to 12pm PDT, 1700 tweets. From 12pm to 6pm PDT, 1500 tweets. And 1900 tweets from 6pm to midnight PDT.
The number of unique users tweeting also plays an important role in the equation, it ranges from 600 to 900 users.

Please note that there’s a possibility of being punished by Twitter if you try to trend a topic on purpose – see You have been warned… 🙂

That said here’s what we all can do to prepare:
– Think about some tweets that involve #HettysFate. Have them ready in another file to copy and paste them at the start time.
– Retweet other tweets involving #HettysFate during the TT Party.
– Be there on time !!
– Tweet A LOT involving #HettysFate at your start time !!


2 thoughts on “NCISLA Magazine TT Party #2

  1. MiraCallenCOD

    Good! but what about #NCISLAMo10pm hashtag?
    is that means we will be use it instead of!

    1. sindee Post author

      yes, this time we’re using #HettysFate… #NCISLAMo10pm has been used before and it might be easier with a brand new hashtag… 🙂

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