6 thoughts on “Nell Appreciation Week — Three Words

    1. Tom Pikalek

      She’s going to be more than Hetty 2.0, John. She represents the new breed of Operations Manager for NCIS – Ultimately she will have the same urban legend status – not for the physical things she does, like Hetty, but what she can do to you with her mind – she will be able to see into your soul and peel away the layers like an onion – so she will build up and keep as good a team (or better) than she was on.

  1. BH72

    I really liked the one on twitter, “Hetty in training.” I think it sums up Nell perfectly. My three words to describe Nell would have to be: quirky, intelligent and tough. She proved the latter on a few occasions when she had to wrestle a bad guy in the boat shed.

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