Peter Cambor back for second episode in NCISLA Season Five



Hinted to in various tweets we got the picture proof today that Peter Cambor is back on the NCISLA set to film the second episode of the show’s fifth season… the episode whose name hasn’t been announced yet was written by Sara Servi and is directed by Jonathan Frakes

The picture shows Peter Cambor as Nate Getz and Linda Hunt as Hetty Lange sitting on the Operations Managers desk probably talking about the aftermath of the incidents we saw in the NCIS Los Angeles Season Four finale…

Looks like a good idea to bring Nate back after what the team had to experience in the season finale… What do you think Nate & Hetty need to talk about ??

4 thoughts on “Peter Cambor back for second episode in NCISLA Season Five

  1. Keviana Elliot

    1. It’s brilliant to bring Nate back. There was serious pain, hurt, angst, confusion that happened in Season 4… It will be sorted better if Nate helps. I, for one, am hoping that they do not glaze/speed over the healing required for the characters. I can’t wait to see if Callen hardcore blames himself. Also interested to see if Deeks has nightmares and if he changes in any major ways due to the torture.

    2. Nate is probably chipping away at Hetty’s kevlar. Making sure that she is okay. He will probably be “working on” all of the Team at once, and that includes Hetty.

    3. Freakin’ can’t wait for this. Love it when Frakes directs.

  2. Domingo

    I agree, good to see Nate back, and I hope it is not just for one episode.

    Every team member has sufferd some sort of trauma, including Hetty, Granger and Michelle.

    It will be interesting to see how this is handled by the writers and the directors, I do hope that it is not quickly brushed aside, the effects would be long term.

    So how will Callen deal with what has happened, and what is to come?

    Unable to back up Sam (not his choice)miss judged the situation, blameing himself, and possibly having to watch Janvier go free.

    Nate could be be in for a hard time, getting into Callens emotional head……

    Then there is Deeks torture and injury, Sam having to watch that and protect Michelle, and Kensie facing up to her feelings for her partner…..

    So it would be nice if Nate was around for some time.

  3. justdreaming-83

    Shewww. Relieved Nate will at least be there soon. I was afraid we were going to have to carry our little virtual picket signs around Mr. Brennan’s virtual house, shouting, “THE TEAM NEEDS NATE!!!”

    They are all suffering. Kensi has the awesome responsibility of saving Michelle. And that’s after just receiving a rather shocking bit of “communication” from her partner. Sam, in addition to being tortured, has to deal with the possibility of losing his wife. And to make matters worse, he is watching Deeks go through who knows what to help him save Michelle – and that is after recently tearing into him about not being the “real deal.” Callen will probably feel like his very soul has been ripped out. He may even feel unworthy to lead the team. And Hetty? She’s ultimately in charge of this mess. She may feel helpless while all her “children” are suffering in different ways. She certainly needs her Operational Psychologist to help with the aftermath.

    Even though it doesn’t usually happen this way on the show, I also agree that they should slow down and deal with the angst. But if not, it will make for more magnificent Fan Fiction writing. I’m just saying.

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