Renée Felice Smith & Barrett Foa Doing a Reddit/r/IAmA



Two of the stars of the CBS’ drama “NCIS Los Angeles” – Renée Felice Smith (Nell Jones) and Barrett Foa (Eric Beale) will be doing a Reddit AMA on Tuesday, 3/25 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm PT.

Basically, /r/IAmA is a place to interview people, but in a new way. “IAmA” is the traditional way of beginning the description of who you are; “AMA” is the traditional way of ending the description; the acronym means “Ask me anything.” The interviewee begins the process by starting a post, describing who they are and what they do. Then, commenters leave questions and can vote on other questions according to which they would like to see answered. The interviewee then goes through and responds to any questions that he/she would like, and in any way that he/she prefers.

Mark your calendars and join the fun !!

Be sure to register to ask a question yourself or add your questions to the comments so we can ask for you…

2 thoughts on “Renée Felice Smith & Barrett Foa Doing a Reddit/r/IAmA

  1. Samantha Renee

    Couldn’t make it on Tuesday because of our finals, but I do have a couple of questions for them! 🙂

    If Nell and Eric go undercover together, who saves who when their cover gets blown? And what would they think Eric and Nell’s backstory would be, how did they end up in NCIS since we haven’t heard much about their past?

    NCISLAMagazine, Thanks for the chance even though I couldn’t make it for the Reddit on Tuesday, I’d say this was close enough.

  2. Alicia

    I have several questions First. How would you both compare your relationship with each other to that of your characters? When are Eric and Nell going to stop the flirting and take the next step? Also, will we ever see them hang out away from work? Finally, we somewhat metNell’s family, will we see them again, and will we meet Eric’s family? Thanks for taking the time to answer these q’s!

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