Category Archives: 6×11 – Humbug

NCIS Los Angeles ‘Humbug’ Ratings

Great numbers to end the year with… congrats to the whole NCIS Los Angeles Cast & Crew for these…

NBC State of Affairs 1.6 5 6.49
CBS NCIS: LA 1.6 5 9.45
ABC Castle -R 1.1 4 5.19



CBS NCIS: LA 1.6 5 9.54
NBC State of Affairs 1.5 5 6.18
ABC Castle -R 1.0 4 4.51

and via

NCIS: LOS ANGELES (9:59-11:00 PM) was first in viewers (9.54m), adults 25-54 (2.2/06) and adults 18-49 (1.6/05) for the second consecutive Monday. This was NCIS: LOS ANGELES’ largest audience of the season.

NCIS Los Angeles ‘Humbug’ Picture Review

"Security in pursuit of a couple of... ehm... Santas." *snort*

“Security in pursuit of a couple of… ehm… Santas.” *snort*

Uh-oh... Joelle held at gunpoint... beware of the Callen revenge...

Uh-oh… Joelle hold at gunpoint… beware of the Callen revenge…

Sam's not happy about those holiday plans...

Sam’s not happy about those holiday plans…

"And be totally honest with her." Why do I sense that this remark will bite Callen soon ?? ;-)

“And be totally honest with her.” Why do I sense that this remark will bite Callen soon ?? 😉

Malware - the terrorism of the internet...

Malware – the terrorism of the internet…

Squeeing over this comforting gesture here...

Squeeing over this comforting gesture here…

Dress shirt + a tie = safe gift of choice for Joelle

Dress shirt + a tie = safe gift of choice for Joelle

"The guy put a gun to Jo's head, Sam. I wanna have a little *talk* with him about that." Uh-oh... told ya !!

“The guy put a gun to Jo’s head, Sam. I wanna have a little *talk* with him about that.” Uh-oh… told ya !!

So the baddie escaped... might be better for him...considering Callen's mood...

So the baddie escaped… might be better for him…considering Callen’s mood…

Creating the bad to fight the bad...

Creating the bad to fight the bad…

"It's the stuff of nightmares." His words plus the music was so overly dramatic it was awesome !!

“It’s the stuff of nightmares.” His words plus the music was so overly dramatic it was awesome !!

"... maybe... you... wanna come home with me." Zoossh !!

“… maybe… you… wanna come home with me.” Zoossh !!

They are going snowboarding together... and the whole Densi fandom is high-fiving each other !! ;-)

They are going snowboarding together… and the whole Densi fandom is high-fiving each other !! 😉

So this guy doesn't like Rex anymore...

So this guy doesn’t like Rex anymore…

I could hardly pay attention to the scene cos I was so amused by the dying alarm of the car... Great job there, dear sound department !!

I could hardly pay attention to the scene cos I was so amused by the dying alarm of the car… Great job there, dear sound department !!

Maybe finding a *body* would have been better afterall...

Maybe finding a *body* would have been better afterall…

This guy hitting on Kensi?? Creepy good !!

This guy hitting on Kensi?? Creepy good !!

Finding out that Joelle might have the thumb drive...

Finding out that Joelle might have the thumb drive…

"Boyfriend Callen" going all in to find the thumb drive.

“Boyfriend Callen” going all in to find the thumb drive.

"You have no idea how scary it is having someone holding a gun on you." Yeah, about that... LOL

“You have no idea how scary it is having someone holding a gun on you.” Yeah, about that… LOL

So the trip... Personal or Practical ?? Wait, I bet I know your answer... ;-)

So the trip… Personal or Practical ?? Wait, I bet I know your answer… 😉

Hetty + Sam = HI-LA-RI-OUS !!!

Hetty + Sam = HI-LA-RI-OUS !!!

Oh, *thaaaat* was nothing...

Oh, *thaaaat* was nothing…

"Who are you?" Oh, believe me, Jo, there's not enough time to answer that now...

“Who are you?” Oh, believe me, Jo, there’s not enough time to answer that now…

Let me recap... Callen had a gun, this lock-pick thingy and handcuffs on him which Joelle didn't notice when they slow-danced... Hands up if YOU would have noticed... *evilgrin*

Let me recap… Callen had a gun, this lock-pick thingy and handcuffs on him which Joelle didn’t notice when they slow-danced… Hands up if YOU would have noticed !! *evilgrin*

Great scene to get behind the meaning of the episode title !!

Great scene to get behind the meaning of the episode title !!

Will Eric remember what she said or is his camera a hidden Neutralyzer ?? *smirk*

Will Eric remember what she said or is his camera a hidden Neutralyzer ?? *smirk*

Granger is BAAACK !!

Granger is BAAACK !!

Their sweet smiles were even better than the kiss(es) IMO...

Their sweet smiles were even better than the kiss(es) IMO…

Proud daddy Sam...

Proud daddy Sam…

"How abot we start with your first name?" Yeah, good luck with that... :-)

“How about we start with your first name?” Yeah, good luck with that… 🙂

As always I gotta run but I’m curious what you all think about this episode…. Let’s talk in the comments… I’ll join you later !!

This was the last episode for 2014. Thank you all for your support of the NCISLA Magazine website/twitter/Facebook and especially my picture reviews which are very precious to me. See you back in 2015 with more episode of our favorite show to talk about. Until then…


NCIS Los Angeles ‘Humbug’ Promo Picture Gallery

NCIS Los Angeles 'Humbug' Promo Picture

Picture 1 of 5

Pictured: Daniela Ruah (Special Agent Kensi Blye) and Eric Christian Olsen (LAPD Liaison Marty Deeks). The team investigates a burglary at a cyber-security company, but Callen must steer clear of the crime scene after Hetty reveals his girlfriend, Joelle, is one of the lead witnesses. Also, the team discusses their personal holiday travel plans, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, Dec. 15 (9:59-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2014 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Next… on NCISLA! Humbug (6×11) Preview by Gayle (@DensiLand)

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Humbug (6×11) Preview

by Gayle (@DensiLand)

Written by Kyle Harimoto & Andrew Bartels; Directed by Tony Wharmby

Official CBS press release – “Humbug” – The team investigates a burglary at a cyber-security company, but Callen must steer clear of the crime scene after Hetty reveals his girlfriend, Joelle, is one of the lead witnesses. Also, the team discusses their personal holiday travel plans, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, Dec. 15 (9:59-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

It’s the Christmas episode! The excitement feels like child-like anticipation in observing a bevy of holiday goodies! With a promo stuffed like a Christmas stocking (curiously released prior to the previous episode), oh where to begin? The title seems as good as any!

It wouldn’t be a day in the life of our NCIS team without some mean-spirited mayhem. Yet, is that what has Operations Manager Hetty, who seems to have been bitten by the holiday bug, emphatically declaring someone a “Grinch”? (Does anyone else immediately picture Granger?) Speaking of, how is the Assistant Director presumably recovering from his most recent near-death experience?

And on the topic of a near-death experience, what appears to have caught Eric off-guard this week (somewhat like last week’s non-mistletoe-induced cheek smooch from his beloved elfish partner, Nell? Maybe that’s what sparked this week’s sparks!) Anyway, our MIT-trained Tech Analyst is sure to show that overloaded circuit board who’s boss!

In this character-driven show, the personal lives of our federally-employed family are of prime interest; so the topic of their non-work-related travel plans has lit a warm fire in many fans’ imaginations. Might this holiday better reflect the story of Noah and his Arc with the team departing two by two? Neric can easily be considered. Will Jallen/Calelle’s (a.k.a. Callen & Joelle) ‘ship survive this case? Most obvious (& highly anticipated) is Densi. And what a sight Hetty and Granger might be! Or could the current case go sideways, yet again wrecking their seasonal escapes? (I’m looking at you Tahoe!)

While Valentine’s Day is still two months away, it seems like Cupid may be Santa’s new helper in regard to the usually solitary G. Callen. Yet all indicators point to the fact Callen’s personal life has significantly evolved over the course of the year. Has the spirit of the season provoked the dashing team leader to “lead” his lady along to a musical interlude? It looks like Callen might owe the Hannas an extra gift under the tree for the introduction to Joelle!

Back to the case, how might Joelle be involved? Will this create a challenge for Callen to separate his personal life & professional responsibilities? On that note, does Joelle yet know Callen’s real job or does she still believe he’s in finance? If not, could her role in this investigation force him to admit the truth? In this situation Callen might discover himself skating on thin ice. Along with his teammates. Speaking of…

Densi finds themselves on a different kind of “frozen lake”! Could this location prompt the partners to revisit the parable that wholly defines their “thing”? (And it’s no surprise to see an extra-jovial ECO likely showboating his hockey skills. Apparently Deeks has mastered all forms of water-based sport!) Yet with Callen and Sam also on scene, it’s beginning to look as if this is part of the actual investigation in sussing out a suspect or protecting a potential victim. Or might this simply be an example of a holiday-themed celebratory team outing? In observing both Joelle and young Kamran Hanna at the rink, the answer is virtually unknown.

Now wielding a different kind of blades, the often-dangerous Kensi not only states she wants to be bold, but also expresses it boldly! To her partner! This begs the questions of “How does she want to be bold? and “With whom?” Acting boldly himself, Deeks cradles Kensi’s neck and quickly pulls her to him to…? Whisper in her ear? Actually kiss her? (The only thing we know for sure is it has served as fuel for the ever-burning fire of the Densi fandom!) Yet are their proximity, words, & actions just another cover ruse or true to their real-life ‘ship?

Based on this hyped episode’s keen character offerings, coupled (no pun intended) with the heightened level of “Densi Frenzy”, fans still have plenty of opportunity to determine writers Harimoto & Bartels fates: Will they find themselves rejoicing with holiday merriment on the Nice List or be regretfully relegated to the Naughty List?

We can be sure a vast variety of holiday hi-jinx will be delivered NEXT… on NCISLA!