NCIS Los Angeles ‘Expiration Date’ Press Release


Ernie Reyes Jr. Returns as Thapa and Parminder Nagra Guest Stars as the Spy

“Expiration Date” – When Callen and Sam are tasked with apprehending a spy contracted by the CIA, Sam is shot and the team enlists the help of Thapa, the elite Nepali soldier from their past, to help to find the shooter. Also, Kensi and Deeks have their first official argument, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, Feb. 23 (9:59-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Ernie Reyes, Jr. returns as Thapa and Parminder Nagra guest stars as the spy.

CHEAT TWEET: Kensi & Deeks have their first official fight! Whose side are you on? #NCISLA 2/23 9:59pm

Chris O’Donnell (NCIS Special Agent G. Callen)
LL COOL J (NCIS Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt (Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah (NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen (LAPD Detective Marty Deeks)
Barrett Foa (Tech Operator Eric Beale)
Renée Felice Smith (NCIS Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones)
Miguel Ferrer (NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger)

Parminder Nagra (Ella Desai)
Ernie Reyes Jr. (Jemadar Thapa)
Michael Gaston (CIA Agent Doug Emmerich)
Barry Livingston (Chief Surgeon Dr. John Bates)
Jennifer Del Rosario (Nurse Maria Ramos)
Paul Yen (Ghurka 4)

WRITTEN BY: Dave Kalstein
DIRECTED BY: Terence Nightingall

7 thoughts on “NCIS Los Angeles ‘Expiration Date’ Press Release

  1. Mogorva

    “Also, Kensi and Deeks have their first official argument, ”

    And the torture begins… . Why do I have the feeling we will see their overly dramatic breakup already in this season? Don’t make this relationship into a soap opera. Please.

    1. Fenix

      Couple (together pair) arguing all the time.
      It’s just matter of time, when that’s happens.
      Is first, but no last.
      Best thing about arguing, is reconciliation, what in this came probably mean “adult activities” 😉 (off screen of course).

      Broke up, probably not, but be ready for bumpy road.
      Up and down all the time.
      Creators need keep some stress factor in game.
      Yeah, I know is boring, but creators think, they are creative, so lets them do their job.
      They know much better, what we really need. 🙂

      1. Mogorva

        I know that.

        I just watch this show to get away from the harsh reality. And I don’t like too much drama. I liked when they were friends, also enjoyed the flirting and gravitating to each other in previous seasons, but now, that they are together, I just don’t want to see some fighting and breakup. That would kinda ruin my mood. I understand, others like that, it might be good for the show too, but I don’t like it.

        1. Fenix

          I don’t like it too.
          I mean this like strong sarcasm “They know much better, what we really need.”
          “It might be good for the show too” yeah, MAYBE, but then I compare it with Castle, and after that I really don’t know, what is BETTER for show.
          Anyway, creators don’t care, what we know, or what we want, because they knows better. 😉
          “Others like that” I am really not so sure. 🙂

          Creators build some story (in this case Densi /Callen&Joelle story) for unknown future.
          Because they don’t know, how many series is before them (before us).
          For this bloody reason they give us just small Densi steps, and big circles about nothing.
          If they know, when show ends, they can make precise plan for every episode.
          That exactly happen in The Mentalist show.
          They creators knows end of show from beginning.

          Unfortunately, without a solid knowledge of the future, you can’t build solid interpersonal story, with good and logic storyline.

          For that, is all Densi, and Callen & Joelle, from 90% just, and only, writers & creators improvisation.

          Until is NCIS LA moneymaker, end is in dark shadow.
          In same dark shadow stays Densi, or Callen & ??? solid, nice, intelligent stories.

          So why have Castle that big succes?
          Weird, isn’t it? 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉

  2. amyabn

    I’m looking forward to some witty banter. Thapa will clearly see that Deeks took his advice on crossing the frozen lake, and I would expect a compliment from him on Kensi’s fighting skills.

    The argument could be anything. They could be house hunting to move in together and not agree between two places, it could be bickering about the toilet paper, etc. I’m with Fenix on this one-I am enjoying the progression. Everyone can see how they feel about each other and have from the beginning. I think that’s why I enjoy the subtlety of how they are at work. So far its little insider hints that we the viewer enjoy but the team (well, except for Hetty) seem to just take as situation normal.

  3. ceserina

    completely agree, the argument could be about them personally or Deeks went and protected Kensi and she didn’t like could be Deeks goes all gentleman on Kensi and she is Bad A** so she can take care of herself..Let’s just enjoy their togetherness and let the chips fall where they may…as they said they are all in an will do anything to protect it..

  4. Richtsje

    Oh, I love to see Thapa back in the show.
    And Sam gets shot? That’ll be the first time, right? I hope he’ll heal just as quickly as with/after Ascencion. Curious how he gets through, and how his partner works.

    Will there be an official ‘fight’ between Kensi&Deeks, or just a normal quarrel like they’ve had before? One more week to wait before we know…

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