Oh boy…

Ah-HAA !!

He just said the L-word…


How to explain this ?? (And I don’t mean the squee-worthy syncness here…)

Hetty doing her “thing”… LOL

Great Brit impression there, Beale.

She called him Eric! Aww!

Wow, creepy Granger !!

“You work with him but you don’t really know anything about him?”

“You look like you’re ready to kill somebody.” “I am!”

I would have skipped this one if it wasn’t a spot-on impersonation of hubby and me… TMI ?? Sorry… 😉

Wolfsbane against Werewolfes… I mean *everyone* knows that, right ??

Why give Kensi a poisonous plant ?? Why give her a plant at all ?? Considerung her luck with them… LOL

Anybody else thought Hetty had a creepy intimate way with the Wolfsbane ??

“We have a mole in our midst. And it ends today!”

Really? ‘Too much’ for my liking… so was the slap IMO…

Interesting to see that Callen & Sam obviously did talk about Granger and his behaviour lately…

Hetty developed most of the polygraph questions?? No wonder there, huh? 😉

“I even tried to kill him.” Flashback please ??

Wow, that was unexpected…

Beale on lock-down…

Kensi & Deeks going all CSI on the victim…

“He’s smelling her hair…” Yeah, not creepy at all… LOL

“Don’t ever smell me again.” “No promises.” Awesome #Densi !!

“Maybe Helen had a Green Thumb afterall.”

Suspicious much, Ty ??

Only for like 10 seconds cos now we know the real killer already…

Heyyyy, don’t you lay a hand on OUR Eric, creep !!

Callen & Sam Banter fits right in here…

Eric finding a way out… and tipping Nell off…


Callen’s right – the guy does look kind of happy… #Weird

Yeah, *we all know* Callen & Sam are way too smart to be played…

“You look better without ’em.” Yeah, well, not IMO but…

Anybody else squeed that Callen (!!) got the cue ??

Hetty watching over Granger…
Well, to me the episode wasn’t as thrilling as the promos wanted me to think it is… but then again I learned not to trust the promos anyways in the last six years… LOL
What do you think about the episode ?? Was this a convincing continuation of the “mole storyline” for you ?? I think (read: hope) we’ll come back to it later in the season and learn who the guy worked for…