Previously on NCIS Los Angeles…

Only slight changes in the opening theme… 🙁

“What the hell are you doing there MacGyver?” Yay, my fave bromance is back already… 🙂

Uh-oh… Big Guy is feeling uncomfortable…

“Mr. Beale, if you turn me off, you’re going to regret it long after your wounds have healed.” Woah, Hetty !!

Nell to the rescue…

“Say something nice at my funeral.” Aww, Eric. As if Hetty would really hurt you… 🙂

“Because I don’t wanna go to the hospital.” Riiiight… Pretty sure the script said ‘Because I don’t want you to ride alone with Thalia.’

Geez… I’m getting short-breathed here with Callen & Sam… *breathe in, breathe out*

“We can if they’re dead.” *GASP*

No air… uh-oh…

“Which means this is a suicide mission.”

Yeah, you better speak… we want our guys back !!
(Great job of the makeup department there, no?)

Careful when Kensi smiles at you like this. You’re about to get headbutted…

It’s getting hot in there… *smirk*

“She’s back.”

“If you open your mouth one more time unless it’s to answer a question I’m going to wrap your tongue around my fist and beat you with it.” WHAAT ?? LOL

“I refuse to grow up…” Yeah… 🙂

Really, give up the sub for a drink ?? Mmh…

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so excited about a suicide plan.”

“I think somebody needs their catheter changed…” NIIICE !!

Nice MacGyver work, guys !!

A letter to Michelle and the kids? *gulp*
But… The KidS !!

“What can we do?” “Pray.” *more gulping*

Kensi and Thalia teaming up? Run, Deeks, run! 😉

“You’re going to be a beautiful bride.” “I agree.” Wow, from silly to profound in millisecs… Kudos, to the writer and actors !!

“I will do anything to get my people back.” Aww…

Great job on the A-Team references there… 🙂

OK, OK, so *I*’m barely breathing here and they still squeeze in some bromance ?? Gotta love these two !!

*hums Jaws theme*

Kudos to Granger for really doing everthing he can… chopper, calls and all…

3… 2… 1… BOOM !! First Boom of the season… YEAH !! 🙂

Tearing up here…

I see this little gesture turning into an animated gif and going viral…

“Callen and Sam are alive.” PHEW !!

The “Retirement Chat” in the first ep of the season… that’s new…

“What was that?” I wanna know, too ! *pouts*

To friends… and partners… and an awesome sixth season of NCIS Los Angeles !! 🙂
Oh wow, what a start to the new season… the episode definitely had everything I like about NCIS Los Angeles.
The Callen & Sam Bromance despite their life-threathing situation, the Densi innuendos in just the right amount, the Nell & Eric partnership, the Hetty & Granger motherly/fatherly caring… the action, the fun, the BOOM…
Maybe I’m paranoid but I think Sam saying “You son of a b*itch” and the team drinking their “Depth Charges” at the end wouldn’t have happened in an earlier time slot ?!
So, let me know… What did you like about the episode ?? Any favorite moments / quotes ?? Wasn’t it great to have the team back on our screens ??
On another note… Looks like this promo picture slipped in from a rehearsal or something… I didn’t see Callen wearing that sweater… 😉