WARNING: This particular write-up may contain too much drama and be entirely too deep on something entirely too small. You were warned…

Callen and Paris.
NCISLA’s Team Leader and an Agent chick from NCISRED.
A possible “thing”? Possible flirtation? Possible competition?
Honey, say it ain’t so! It’s a bad dream! Ahhh! <- Saw a lot of this on Twitter the other day. Along with hash tags proclaiming #TeamCallenVSParis.
Apparently, #TeamCallen as a whole does NOT like to share their man. Shane Brennan take note. (And quit laughing! This is serious business!)
The fangirls were not impressed and together made it clear that they were not a fan of any suggested pairings of “Caris, Pallen, G-P, Parillen, GP2, Caris2 hahaha” (Thanks @apeal12). A few seemed willing to watch the show and then react, but weren’t holding their breath. Even my good friend in South Texas asked me about it on the phone, “Are we going to have to stop watching?” I might’ve been willing to shed a tear at that point. After all, the fangirls survived last summer with Callen in jail having shot a criminal on live tv! Would something like this shake #TeamCallen across dividing lines?
The good news is, @KimRaver (actress who plays Paris) Tweeted this calming comment into the mix: “Maybe give Paris time, hopefully we can learn more ’bout ur Callen;)”
That’s the point where I laughed nervously.
It appears Brennan might be teasing us again. Or Kalstein. Whoever.
This may all be a tease, Team Callen. A set-up.
What happens if we get to the end of the episodes with NCISRED and we blush over it being nothing at all?
I don’t know about y’all, but I will probably throw a tissue box at the tv. Hard. Very hard. Maybe aim for the base so I don’t actually break anything.
Who knows how this will play out? Good news is we only have to speculate for another day or so.

My sister and I had a discussion about this whole thing yesterday. She is decidedly #TeamDeeks, but she is more than willing to discuss Callen with me when I need some intelligent-family-NCISLA conversation. I was airing my thoughts to her and she finally interrupted me. What she said was genius. So genius, that I made her hang up the phone right then and text me what she’d said. It sums up the feeling of the show so well:
“Sam is meant to be married, Kensi and Deeks are meant to date, and Callen is meant to be amazingly single.” -My 17-year-old Sister
Yes, us fans fantasize, dream, and even write about it being other ways, but this is the truth of our show and of our G Callen.
G Callen.
Amazingly single.
Amazingly hott.
Amazingly available.
Amazingly untouchable.
If we take away the teases of the past few weeks, the argument can be made that there will never be a serious relationship for Callen on the show. And that’s okay. It would keep intact the “feeling” of our fearless leader being free and “un-taken”, which, if we’re completely honest, is what draws every fan to him. (Besides how well he can shoot and fight and strategize, because that’s pretty cool, too.)
So there.